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 3 Hand-picked Algorithms Organizations Sites

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 Selection2 Algorithms Organizations Sites in German
Home >Algorithms
   Cryptography (1)
   Genetic Algorithms (1)
   Natural Language Processing (1)
      Speech Processing (1)

Data Formats (1)

XML (1)

Regional (1)

North America (1)

 All 3 Matching Links - sorted by search engine weighting, sort alphabetically
  • National Security Agency 
  • International Society for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, ISGEC 

    Own description: "International Society for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation ISGEC. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GEA) are computer methods based on natural selection and genetics to solve problems across the spectrum of human endeavor. ISGEC promotes the cr..."

  • VoiceXML Forum   - Industry organization to promote the Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML).

    Own description: "The VoiceXML Forum was created in 1999 with the mission to promote and to accelerate the worldwide adoption of VoiceXML-based applications. After 15..."