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Under the Hood
 with MySQL
    Joe Atzberger, LibLime

   KohaCon 2009: Plano, TX
SQL Control
SQL Control
•Baseline: installer/data/
SQL Control
•Baseline: installer/data/
•Updates: installer/data/
SQL Control
•Baseline: installer/data/
•Updates: installer/data/
•This   defines Koha’s Version!
SQL Control
•mysqldump --no-data --xml
 -uyouruser -pyourpass koha_db
•~125 tables
•~1773 lines of XML
                           So what do you use to
                           look at it all?

•That is a lot of stuff.
SQL Tools
• phpMyAdmin: web based table control, a
  great way to break everything and not be
  able to fix it.                         I once performed a tech
                                         inventory for the State

• MySQL Administrator, MySQL Query
                                         of Ohio in one of its
                                         smaller departments.
                                         The single largest line
                                         item was $427,000 for 7
  Browser: Free and “official”.           boxes of Oracle soft ware.

• Tons of OSS applications. Varying quality.
• Tons of proprietary software. Varying cost.
DB Design Principles

• Limit duplication of values
• Put related data together
• Proper data typing
• Keys, indexes, etc., etc., etc.
DB Design Principles
DB Design Principles

Does Koha do this?
DB Design Principles

Does Koha do this?
• Yes
DB Design Principles

Does Koha do this?
• Yes
• and No.
DB Design Problems
•   MARC: not a relational design.
•   MARC: limits on record dimensions.
•   MARC: performance implications.
•   Battle of MARCs. Legacy code and data.
•   FRBR, holdings, bindings, serials, etc.
•   Excuses, excuses, excuses...
Core tables
Core tables
•   systempreferences: system preferences
Core tables
•   systempreferences: system preferences

•   branches: the most frequently keyed table
Core tables
•   systempreferences: system preferences

•   branches: the most frequently keyed table

•   borrowers: users, patrons, staff, people, whomever
Core tables
•   systempreferences: system preferences

•   branches: the most frequently keyed table

•   borrowers: users, patrons, staff, people, whomever

•   biblio: title level
Core tables
•   systempreferences: system preferences

•   branches: the most frequently keyed table

•   borrowers: users, patrons, staff, people, whomever

•   biblio: title level

    •   biblioitems: marc & marcxml, going away soon
Core tables
•   systempreferences: system preferences

•   branches: the most frequently keyed table

•   borrowers: users, patrons, staff, people, whomever

•   biblio: title level

    •   biblioitems: marc & marcxml, going away soon

•   items: where the barcodes live
Parallel tables

• deletedxxx: biblios, items, biblioitems,
• old_xxx: old_issues, old_reserves. Need
Black Magicks
                           You won’t be importing to
                           any of these tables.
                           Very application specific.

• marc_subfield_structure
• marc_tag_structure
So what’s left?

• Paul covered structure
• Nicole handled queries
Pretty pictures?
Pretty pictures?

Pretty pictures?

• Not that pretty!
The End?

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