Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

Legacypack | A Texture Pack for Beta 1.7.3 [32x]

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nSpace's Avatar nSpace
Level 45 : Master Artist
Legacypack | A Texture Pack for Beta 1.7.3 [32x] Minecraft Texture Pack

Download the latest versions from here:
32x: mega.nz/file/cCJlkDwT#d16C2FtFGj9klnnMH9_uo-72RJqXjzgKTuVd1JJAyrI

32x with fixes for older versions (tested on Beta 1.3_01): mega.nz/file/oD4mWD5J#dwXS_XyO5uSLGUIqGKqr8F49FzO-34fo2COkq3wSR_U

.----------------------.- - --=-- - -.----------------------.

Available but no longer updated:
16x: mega.nz/file/UPZxGLCZ#VAI1VklY2SlAqllcPwSFe_klZE-r_6DvkumpKt4OX-U
8x: mega.nz/file/ADhzFQLL#xAlEDvrieWvPsPjUsGfJx-rrYDnJHVLUB2NSpC7le64

S h a d e r C i n e m a t i c

S h o w c a s e

This pack has had 100% texture completion for a while but it was only in 2022 that I was happy to call it a full release with all textures cleaned up, textures improved to an increased standard and visual bugs/misalignments fixed. Legacypack was initially made in 2017, and later updated throughout 2019 to 2024, but is made for Minecraft Beta 1.7.3. A version that came out in 2011. I am happy with this being a full release as of 2022 however this may not be the final release - although my current opinion is this is complete to the best of my current ability. As part of the final release I have also made a 16x and an 8x variant that are not just simple downsizes but unique in their own ways.

You can consider 32x as the "true version", which requires either Optifine, MCPatcher or StationAPI to run; 16x as the vanilla version, which doesn't require mods to fully function and can be used with mod packs that don't support the aforementioned mods; and the 8x as either a stylistic choice or a performance pack which will absolutely give you better performance when compared to the default textures if you are playing on very low end hardware such as older laptops with integrated graphics and low RAM.

Legacypack is a sleek yet still rough and survivalist styled pack. It is based on the default texture colour palette yet doesn't try to be a higher resolution remake but rather something a bit more unique. The idea is to create a new look but allow you to build in a colour palette very close to the default so your builds will look good and relatively similar on the default settings too.

The font is made by Jakob Fischer ("Pizzadude" pizzadude.dk - creator of Invasion2000) and I have his permission to use it. The images used in the paintings are all CC0 licensed images.

More information and sources are in the pack files itself as .txt "readmes" depending on which folder you open after you unzip the main directory.
I do not plan to update this texture pack for newer versions of the game.

Support for FarnsRandomMob and BushyLeavesAndLeaf, latest versions of both available from:

Want to play Beta 1.7.3 online with friends? Check out www.oldschoolminecraft.com !
OSM Discord: https://discord.gg/4TgrfjEvcB

(Some of these are older screenshots but still provide an idea of how the pack looks.)

Legacypack: Why only for Beta 1.7.3 and below?

There is a niché group of people slowly growing who only play "b1.7.3" or version 1.7.3 for Minecraft Beta.
This 'texture pack' (back in 2009-2011 we had no resource packs, only textures could be edited) is designed for us. It has no strong stylised theme that takes away from the original game and it's 32x32 so it should run on most computers. This texture pack was designed to be survivalistic yet sleek, it has heavy ties to the original Beta textures as these textures themselves are known to be unique for this specific era of Minecraft. I have tried to keep every texture to be instantly recognisable as its original counterpart, for example you can tell what paintings represent the original versions yet they are clearly different and not just a simple remake in higher quality.

Another reason I made this pack is for legality reasons.
It's hard to find texture packs for b1.7.3 nowadays, very few artists from the 2011 era are still active and even fewer in legacy related spaces or websites. Over the years there have been several stylistic and atmospheric changes to the current release version(s) concepts for gameplay and game mechanics due to so many different people with conflicting ideals of what the game is and what it should be producing updates; server modifications; different splintered off versions; third party spinoffs etcetera. This has rebranded the game as something completely different to what it was in early 2010 to 2011, which some do not enjoy as much as they did back then. This shift in general theming and style has also affected newer texture packs and resource packs. Because the original 2011 artists are no longer active due to many personal reasons, very few have archived or will archive earlier versions of their texture packs and very few will still respond to emails about their older releases. You either have to resort to downloading from untrustworthy sources that may have not asked permission to re-upload an artist's texture pack, and then have it packed it with malware, or on a rare occurrence if you do find a working trustworthy link the next day the site could be missing or it could have been taken down because the uploader did not have permission to redistribute it. By creating a new texture pack people can find me with ease and download from official downloads I've set up without having to go through several pages on search engines to find an 'illegal' reupload which could be gone tomorrow or worse, may not be what was promised on the site.
CreditPizzadude (creator of the font Invasion2000) written permission granted!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7 beta

16 Update Logs

Update #16 : by nSpace 04/25/2024 8:45:15 amApr 25th

2024 Update 4:

A smaller but required update.

I've been playing on Beta 1.3_01 for a while and noticed that some textures are very harsh looking on the old lighting engine vs the backported shader lighting I use in Beta 1.7.3. Although this wasn't many blocks, I decided to change a handful as I appreciate the majority of users will not be using shaders for that lower contrast texture look so tried to meet them half way where textures are still nice and not too low contrast on shaders but not too harsh and higher contrast without them.

Blocks that were reworked to have a bit of a lower contrast and overall look smoother:
Mossy Cobblestone
Bedrock (lighter rather than lower contrast)

Note: Piston(s) has not been changed. This is because it was previously reworked and part of that rework was giving it a unique, lower contrast but darker look compared to the Furnace/Dispenser.

Blocks changed:
The cement between the bricks in the brick block is whiter to stand out more, and now looks more like earlier (vanilla) brick textures.
Snow (and snowy grass) has a finer texture with a bit more detail and has a slightly more blue hue.
Signs are very slightly less dark, the previous update made them too dark. This was difficult for me to tell in the past as signs are broken with shaders...
Pine logs have been made a lot more red-brown rather than dark-brown and had the contrast INCREASED. This is to make it stand out compared to the more subtle and mellow contrast of oak. The texture is also quite a bit lighter however it's not as noticeable with the higher contrast added.

Bricks (the item) have better texturing to the holes in the brick itself.
The block breaking animation never supported transparency! This is because it's supposed to have a grey background, and instead I left it transparent in Terrain.png - it has taken me 8 years to notice this while I was trying to improve the breaking animation. The animation has been made more detailed, and now has levels of transparency added to the animation itself. I discovered this when I found the animation was completely broken in older versions, and by looking at older packs that fixed the issue I noticed they all had solid grey backgrounds.

In older versions (older than b1.7.3) the game takes the texture of cake and beds from the top of the designated block in the texture sheet (Terrain.png.) In later versions, it takes from the bottom of the designated block/square. Because of this cake was broken in Beta 1.3 however as the cake is exactly half a block, I was able to fit two cakes into the designated block space it is given meaning cake now renders correctly on b1.3 and b1.7.3 using the exact same texture. I wanted to apply this same logic to the bed, however this is not possible as the bed is taller than half a block so you cannot fit two beds into the same designated space available on Terrain.png. Although I've tried to make the main build as cross compatible as possible, I have now released a slightly edited "for older versions" edition which has the bed render in the correct location for older versions. This copy of Legacypack also removes the colour codes from the name of the pack as this is not supported either and would look weird on the texture pack selection screen.

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05/17/2024 2:40 pm
Level 45 : Master Artist
nSpace's Avatar


Thank you to everyone.

01/03/2024 10:25 am
Level 39 : Artisan Artist
Drumdero's Avatar
11/05/2023 8:31 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Explorer
Anderson_Chroma's Avatar
Please make a 1.20 version please. And with the pack itself, it's good. Minecraft beta was like 13 years ago.
10/15/2023 5:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sassquach's Avatar
How do I add it to MCPE? It looks so beautiful TTvTT
10/16/2023 7:49 am
Level 45 : Master Artist
nSpace's Avatar
Hi I had a look at MCPE, and even if you were to play an older version of the game it looks like it wouldn't be compatible since there are items in MCPE that weren't in b1.7.3 which is a shame.
10/08/2023 4:28 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar
why does it have to be beta 1.7
NoOoOo - Discord Emoji
10/08/2023 4:51 pm
Level 45 : Master Artist
nSpace's Avatar
Hey appreciate it, you can still play this version on the vanilla launcher if you enable "Historical Versions" unless you mean you don't like this version, then fair enough. The reason I started this pack specifically for b1.7.3 was purely because the amount of packs available for that version were kind of limited and it's the only version I play however I understand it's not for everyone.
10/08/2023 5:03 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar
why do people play beta 1.7 these days? For the same reason as why dozens of times more people play release 1.8 since the next update afterwards was pure trash.
10/08/2023 5:15 pm
Level 45 : Master Artist
nSpace's Avatar
There's a few reasons but the biggest one is that Beta 1.8+ is the cut off point for the new terrain generation and hunger, with b1.8 to Release 1.0 adding enchantments and The End. Release+ versions are a lot more focused on loot/gear rather than builds and sandbox creativity. There's also a lot of atmospheric changes such as how grass tones look and lighting being made more orange. To a lot of people b1.7.3 felt like the last version of a different game, one more focused on creativity with the limited blocks and more sandbox feel to the game with b1.8/Release 1.0 being a completely different game that felt more like a fantasy RPG with building mechanics. Both can be good for different reasons, but they almost feel like different games for different people despite the many similarities due to it still being Minecraft at the end of the day.

If you can't play old versions maybe try and download Java 8 or even try some 3rd party launchers like BetaCraft that fix issues like that, if you're interested of course.
10/08/2023 5:38 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Creeper
Team UNNAMED's Avatar
hmmmm different games... that gives me an idea for a pack
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