Minecraft Skins

losing myself to find you

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Kokano's Avatar Kokano
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Procrastinator
-unlike pluto

(idk why but everything keeps choosing this song over another choice I had, which I prefer more. i used the wheel, coin, and random number generator choose between the two, and all three of them chose this song, so it looks like I’m stuck with it)

last one. I might remake another character in a few days, because ive been wanting to remake him for months, but idk
also I’ve got a really stupid series coming soon (not sure if I’ll post them to pmc, or just skindex), so yeah uh..

I don’t like the way the hair turned out on her :/ (but strawberry blonde is one of the most difficult hair colors for me to shade)


info (tw: absolute cringe):

// Name // Daisy Carmine
// Age // 16
// Birthday // July 9th (Cancer)
// Height // 5’4”
// S*xuality // Straight
// Pronouns // She/her
// Personality // She’s pretty annoying at times, but mostly because she’s so obsessed with Alston. She knows how to lie to get things she wants, but recently she’s been trying to stop that (and she’s been doing quite well). But when she’s not being so “annoying” or “obsessive,” she’s actually a pretty nice girl once you get to know her well enough, and she gets excited about things fairly easily as well (ex: Bloomdale).
// Likes // Alston, flowers, pretty things, sweets (she loves cake most of all), and looking “fAshIoNaBlY sTuNnInG” (-goen).
// Dislikes // Dark and gloomy days (typical weather; Xylem’s fault), old clothes with holes in them, rotten/spoiled food (who would? that’s gross), and dirt. She’s also a little bit suspicious of Crimson, so she isn’t sure if she can trust him now or not.
// Extra // Daisy spent a good portion of her childhood with Alston, and even though she hasn’t known him for nearly as long enough as Crimson has, she’s personally had good memories with him. She would trail behind Alston as kids a lot, however oblivious at first to the fact that he clearly hated it. She was like a lost puppy around him, you could say. A lost puppy who considered the first person they saw as a “mother” to them, but in this case, Daisy just enjoyed spending all her time with Alston. She is also an only child, and because of the long-lasting Alcazar-Xylem war, there weren’t too many children her age she could play with. Then, as she grew older, she found out more about Alston’s family, and after his whole family was killed during the war, he would be the next one promoted to taking over the throne. But this would mean that he needed someone to rule with him; a wife. Since Daisy already had something for him from when they were kids, and she was basically the only girl in Alcazar he knew well enough, she was sure that he would choose her. However, he never declared who that other “person” would be, so therefore, she did not stop trying. Well, now with the recent news that Everly survived the war all these years, the oldest Heathcliff sibling would then be “re-promoted” as a result, but this doesn’t mean that Daisy won’t stop trying to be with Alston (even though she’s well aware that he still hates her, and will never let her get too close).

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