This Map is an entry in the completed Theme Park : Project Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Lunaland - Theme Park: Project Contest

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Luna's Avatar Luna
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect

Lunaland is the Trinukin Build Team's official entry to the Theme Park Project Contest. This project was completed primarily by Luna, and was an ambitious project that required use of Voxelsniper and Fast ASync WorldEdit. Started on 03/10/2017 and was completed on 03/19/2017. Project credits - Constricted Roller Coaster - Ares_Louw; Render of Constricted Roller Coaster: Sir_Arzie; Various Detailing help: WalrusInSocks, Monorail Help: Miner 13 Everything Else - Luna. Please check out the park brochure below which includes a Park Map, and information about each area of the park! Thank you to all of those who have supported this project! DOWNLOAD NOW LIVE, ENJOY <3 <3
Lunaland - Theme Park: Project Contest Minecraft Map

Lunaland - Theme Park: Project Contest Minecraft Map
Welcome, Guests, to Lunaland. The place you have been dreaming of. LunaLand is an entire Island dedicated to one thing: Entertainment.
Access to the island is easy, just hop on the Ferry!

Lunaland is composed of three separate areas.

Candy Kingdom - The main area of the park complete with bakeries, food courts, shops, and even a Kidzone!
Giant Jungle - The area for those who like extreme rides! Here we have two roller coasters, a haunted house, and much more!
Octopus's Garden - A relaxing area with a waterpark, boardwalk, and the Planet Minecraft Hotel, where you can extend your trip to Lunaland for multiple days!

Lunaland - Theme Park: Project Contest Minecraft Map
Lunaland Park Map
Lunaland Park Directory

Constricted by Ares_Louw, a spectacular human being and one of the most imaginative builders I've met.

Park Logo

Lunaland Fun Facts!
  • Lunaland was constructed about 98% by one person in just 10 days!
  • This project was inspired by Disney movies and theme parks such as Magic Kingdom, specifically the movies Malificent and Alice in Wonderland.
  • I have never built a theme park this huge, especially as a solo project.
  • This project was created using Voxelsniper and Fast Async World Edit. This was constructed on the trinukin server, and will serve as a small relax area for players on my server. I will work to make all rides work, eventually, with the help of a developer.
  • Although this project was primary compleated by Luna, there was some help. Ares_Louw built the Constricted Coaster, WalrusInSocks added some minor details to the park, TimePilot helped with some minor monorail lines, and although he did not help with the project itself, Sir_Arzie generated a 3D render of a ride.
  • There are 11 different areas to eat, one of which is a food court with about 8 options inside, equating to almost 20 different restaurants within the build.
  • There are over 30 different attractions including rides, picnic areas, and a Amphitheater.
  • Octopus's Garden was inspired by the Beatles song of the same name!
  • Candy Kingdom was randomly thought up, no clear inspiration with that build, although some players on my Server offered help in the form of suggesting candies to add to the park.
  • The Giant Jungle was designed to be the more extreme section of the park.
  • Certain rides and areas purposely left in an unbuilt nature, to convey the park expansion planes, as any normal theme park may have. The primary of these is the SafariZone, but there is also a ride within the Candy Kingdom (Nether Rover)
  • The first ride constructed was the Ferris Wheel.
  • Not only did I build most of the park, I also created all marketing materials! Busy Bee :-3

CreditConstricted Roller Coaster - Ares_Louw; Render of Constricted Roller Coaster: Sir_Arzie; Various Detailing help: WalrusInSocks, Monorail Help: Miner 13 Everything Else - Luna
Progress100% complete

10 Update Logs

Update #10 : by Luna 03/21/2017 2:51:18 pmMar 21st, 2017

This is probably the final update, guys and gals. Primary updated the project page...
- New Graphics for the Map and Map Key.
- New graphics for each area of the park, including a directory of the rides.
- Food directory.
- Park Logo.
- Edited some text for better english purposes :-3

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03/30/2017 7:24 am
Level 74 : Legendary Network
MCParksMinecraft's Avatar
Congrats on 4th, figured you'd place very nicely!
03/30/2017 3:42 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
Luna's Avatar
You deserved the fourth, or even third spot.

I tried to log in to your server to say hi, and congrats on the finals, and congrats on building a cool park, but no one ever talks to me on there :-(
Atsuko hirota
11/15/2020 4:51 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
Atsuko hirota's Avatar
No one cares on mcparks. They are way way way too strict.
03/27/2017 12:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
donaldhemmingway's Avatar
Congrats on the finals sis! You're going to win!
03/27/2017 10:40 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
Luna's Avatar
thanks brotha :-3
03/24/2017 8:53 am
Level 20 : Expert Network
Nze_'s Avatar
03/27/2017 10:40 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
Luna's Avatar
tysm <3
03/21/2017 7:59 pm
Level 26 : Expert Pig
P1GSTEPZ's Avatar
IM #100!
03/21/2017 8:07 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Architect
Luna's Avatar
03/21/2017 12:23 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc28225's Avatar
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