Bugy forum thread display (wrong ID for last post)

ScotsMiser's AvatarScotsMiser1/11/24 5:26 pm history
1 emeralds 119
Just in the last few minutes (maybe 1hr) I've noticed that the last post notice for threads shows the name and icon of the thread originator rather than the last person to post.
[​Note that the time since the post was made does display correctly]

This occurs in both the forum index page https://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/toc/ & the various sub-fors [e.g. https://www.planetminecraft.com/forums/pmc/discussion/]

When opened the thread properly displays the posts correctly.

The same effect occurs in the "You Recently Visited" & "Forum Activity" sidebars
In all cases mousing over / hovering over the ID of the last poster correctly attributes the post.

Is anyone else seeing this?
Posted by ScotsMiser's Avatar
Level 41 : Master Miner

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