Did Minecraft already reach its peak?

FIRESTAR09_10's AvatarFIRESTAR09_106/28/24 3:12 pm
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6/29/2024 4:41 am
ScotsMiser's AvatarScotsMiser
You all probably know that Minecraft is the most popular game of all time best here's the question:
Will minecraft ever get more popular than it already is? Or has it already reached its peak and it will remain as it is?
Posted by FIRESTAR09_10's Avatar
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Lego Builder

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06/29/2024 4:41 am
Level 41 : Master Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
A llot of the answer is definitional: how are your measuring popularity, peak, etc.

An obvious analogy can by drawn to D&D/AD&D whcih went from
a nearly unknown adjunct to sandtable wargaming c1974
to something for which one saw advertisments seeking games/players on corporate lunchroom billboards [​the literal corkboard version] by c.1980
to near death (late 80's)
to resurgance
to fragmentation of the player base and the rise of legally distinct independent spinoffs in the 00's

I don't expect MC will again have the level of popular penetration as in te early twenty-teens, but the absolute number of players will likely continue to grow (although I also expect many of these will have playstyles that are attracted by the recnet [​last 5 years] focus on shiny objects).

In terms of the above analogy, MCseems to have managed to skip the near death/resurgance detour and be flirting with the final stage (fragmented base and attempts to establish legally distinct games with similar look-and-feel).
06/28/2024 6:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ProsperityMC's Avatar
Personally I think Minecraft will just growing and growing. You are starting to see a lot of older Adults play with thier kids in servers now. Cycle is just going to repeat and grow
Planet Minecraft


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