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Week in Review - Video Archive

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GrayRemnant's Avatar GrayRemnant
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
This is where the video version of Week in Review will be stored from now on.

Season 2 - 2016
March 6, 2016
March 13, 2016
March 20, 2016
March 27, 2016
April 3, 2016
Hidden content here!
Hidden content here!
Hidden content here!
Hidden content here!
Hidden content here!
Hidden content here!
Hidden content here!
Hidden content here!
Year in Review - 2016
Season 1 - 2015
Week of May 3, 2015
Week of May 10, 2015
Week of May 17, 2015
Week of May 24, 2015
Week of May 31, 2015
Week of June 7, 2015
Week of June 14, 2015
Week of June 21, 2015
Week of June 28, 2015
Week of November 1, 2015
Week of November 8, 2015
Week of November 15, 2015
Week of November 22, 2015
Week of November 29, 2015
Week of December 6, 2015
Week of December 13, 2015
Week of December 20, 2015
Week of December 27, 2015
Year in Review - 2015

9 Update Logs

Update #9 : by GrayRemnant 03/08/2016 6:37:52 pmMar 8th, 2016

Week of February 28, 2016 has been added!

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04/03/2016 11:00 am
Level 24 : Expert Engineer
Steven-Lukes's Avatar
wheres the new week in reviews from march to april!!!!!
04/03/2016 3:35 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Week in Review is now Month in Review. Also it's now exclusively on Youtube.
04/03/2016 9:24 pm
Level 24 : Expert Engineer
Steven-Lukes's Avatar
ok but I haven't seen one for march yet
04/03/2016 11:36 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
I'm in the process of making it at the moment. Will be out sometime this week.
03/01/2016 10:22 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Goblin
ToadieOdie's Avatar
There is a reason we call it "Taco Hell" -_- I was expecting Wilfred to call it that too to be honest for some reason.

P.S. I highly enjoyed the interplay between the "two" of you, but I support your decision. I look forward to seeing new material from you besides just the Week in Review. ^_^
03/02/2016 3:31 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Thanks! I should have something interesting to show you next week. ;)
02/25/2016 8:13 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Explorer
RenegadeRad's Avatar
*Through the power of Grayskull
02/24/2016 8:04 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Goblin
ToadieOdie's Avatar
Okay two thoughts.

First thought is I'm really digging your animated Wilfred J. Pemberley, although I will miss the plushie talking if you make a permanent switch. So it's up to you 'cause I like the character very much. There are pros and cons to going either way. Using the plushie is easy, simple, and with the right puppetry techniques you can convey a lot but you miss out personalizing the character in a way that is truly unique that stands out from the other plushies like it. I don't know, maybe you could depending on how willing you are to modify the plushie and your sewing skills - not to mention is the plushie a collectible, etc. Animation is a ton of work and time consuming but you can personalize the character a great deal in ways you can't with a plushie. Anyway that's my chain of thought regarding the Wilfred.

My second thought is that this week I noticed that the feel of the written blog and the video blog felt closely the same. In some places they were word for word the same. Not exactly a bad thing, but not exactly a good thing either. Not sure what your aim is here. If "Gray" is one persona that gives critical, intellectual reviews of people's work then I when I sit down to read the written review I expect a different tone then when I sit down to watch "Wilfred" who is grumpy, snarky, and delivers his own brand of humor as he presents people's work. I guess my question is, are you trying to make "Gray" and "Wilfred" two different personas that run these reviews or have I made the mistake in my own head by designating "Gray" and "Wilfred" as two separate personas? I ask because to me Wilfred clearly comes across as his own person with his own opinions without apology while Gray will take the time to explain his reasoning. The other reason I bring this up is because I enjoy both versions of the review for different reasons. Since having been introduced to Wilfred I now read the review to see what Gray has to say and to learn from it, and then I watch Wilfred to enjoy the show.
02/24/2016 11:09 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
The plushie is not a personal invention of mine. If you're so inclined, he's available for purchase here. xD

As for the persona, I really wish that I had come up with the WJPemberley character before I started making Youtube videos. If I had, my channel probably would be named after him, and that would be the only persona you ever saw. As a content creator, I'm constantly trying to come up with a brand that people like, and it appears (at least based on the viewing figures) that Wilfred is a far more effective entertainer than I am.

Having said that, the problem with separating the content in the video and the blog is that it requires a lot of extra effort on my part. A week ago, I could handle it. But now that I'm committing to the new animation style, I have to direct most of my attention to that, rather than writing the two separate reviews. In the future, probably after this year's episode of Year in Review, I'll probably drop the blog altogether and commit fully to the video version. I've always wanted to drop one of them, and commit all of my time and effort to one, but I haven't really figured out which one to stick with. Having Wilfred around makes me more comfortable with making WiR video-exclusive, whereas before I was more comfortable with the written format. Time will tell.
02/25/2016 6:19 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Goblin
ToadieOdie's Avatar
I hope I didn't come across cranky with any of what I said because it wasn't my intent. The work load is an incredibly valid point. Two blogs with two different content tones IS a lot of work - and you are trying to get them out on a weekly basis. I was just wondering if it was experimental or intentional and I don't think I made myself clear on that part of my question. Sorry about that. I hope you get it figured out because on some level blogging should be enjoyable and at the moment I'm sensing some stress. I didn't want to add to that stress. :( Even though I hardly write anymore a part of me still enjoys discussing the process of writing and creating.

As for buying the plushie... it would not, and could not, be the same as Wilfred. ;)
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