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Pop Reel... The Good, The Bad, and The Help? (Feat. Munchiesyum, Hobo Joe, Ludicrous, and AnimeFanFTW) (How Ironic, Pop Reel)

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Punkamoar's Avatar Punkamoar
Retired Moderator
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Here is an amazing blog team:

Hobo Joe!

That i get to work with on this awesome blog:


Some people put down the pop reel for being too spammy (people who's spam posts get on the pop reel), some people dislike it since only popular people get on the pop reel, some people love it since they get they're stuff on it and recognized. I personally remember the first time i got on the pop reel, it was awesome! It was an amazing feeling that i was actually good at something (for i was making skins before that, so that was my first "rantish" blogs)

But lets see what our friends say about that shall we?

The pop-reel is a great and wonderful thing. It lets you see things that you might of never looked up otherwise, or see stuff from new level 1s that might have an amazing build. On the other hand it can be just as confusing as wonderful. People can get pop-reel in seconds even if, at some points, they don't deserve it. The pop-reel would be great to understand. How it judges something and decides it to be there. Is it by views, diamonds, comment or even just that person's subscriber level? Maybe on we'll know.

Hobo Joe:

I really like the pop reel because it recognizes people for their projects, and also gives people the chance to be noticed. In the future, donot worry about whether or not you will be able to make the pop reel because that is a silly goal. Your main goal in making your projects to make sure that you enjoy the time that you spent creating whatever it was you were making. If you can do that, than you will do great!

The PopR for me is like for the submissons that the community likes, because to get on the PopR, a submission must have many views, diamonds, downloads, etc. But sometimes, I find the PopR as something that some people tend to find unfair, because of the fact that the PopR usually has the same people, and people complain when the fact that they are the reason they are there, because they diamoned, downloaded, commented, etc. on it. But for the people who get on it, I think that we just say its there for a reason, which is where the people come in.

I like the Pop-Reel for the reason that it showcases some of PMC's greatest workings from the community, but it can also be a burden because it can be very hard to get Pop-Reel and only popular people tend to get on the Pop-Reel. It would be kinda great if PMC had a Pop-Reel that showcases works from random people, so everyone gets the spotlight. But this is just my opinion.

So that is how our guests feel about the Pop Reel, so lets get down to the actual blog shall we?

The Pop Reel's Good Attributes (The Good)
By Munchiesyum
The pop-reel might be good but only because it showcases work that is a little popular or reminds you when a popular person posts something. Even so it helps people even become discovered, I myself was found that way (through all the spam lol). The blogs are chosen by experience earning factors such as Diamond, Comments, Favorites and Views. The ones with the most of that are picked. I would assume that it pings all the blogs and looks for recent ones that have high Diamond, Comments, Favorites and Views. This means that even people that don't have Planet Minecraft accounts can help you get pop-reel which is a positive point.

The Pop Reel's Bad Attributes (The Bad)
By AnimeFanFTW
The Pop-Reel is great for showing the PMC community the latest and greatest work from the top members. But many lesser-known members argue that they never get on the pop-reel simply because they are not popular enough. And I would kinda have to agree with them. When I look at the pop-reel, I always see people like MayuriYandere, Ludicrous and many mods from this site get the pop-reel. (I'm not saying they don't deserve it) I almost never see lesser-known members get pop-reel unless they get really, really lucky. I know many people that make awesome content but never get pop-reel. If the pop-reel were to showcase some lesser-known people's work, maybe we will see more variety and great content. I also sometimes see 2 or even 3 things made by the same person make it onto the pop-reel at the same time. I also think that there should only be 1 submission per person on the pop-reel, so it can make room for other submissions. These are my opinions of the bad things about the pop-reel.

The Pop Reel's Needed Improvements (The... Help?)
By Ludicrous
The PopR (Pop Reel) has what people call, 'unfair choices' where in mostly the same people get on it, since the newer members mey not have enough views. So what I suggest it, to lower the views, diamonds, 'hype' needed to be on the PopR. It may seem to just make the popular people have a faster way to the pop reel, but this could actually help those sunmissions that only need like, 1 more diamond to reach the PopR. So with this, those said members could have their time in the limelight.

The Pop Reel's Future (The Future Charlie)
By Hobo Joe

The pop reel (or popular reel) is a form of recognition for members who receive good attention on their posts. In order to make the pop reel it doesn't matter how good or bad your project is, it just needs a sufficient amount of diamonds and views to make the reel. I understand that some projects gain popularity when it is obvious that there has been little work put in to match the gained recognition. To this issue, I say there is nothing you can do. Itos aggravating when people are able to get a small project like this a great amount of popularity, but itos the internet wEiRd things happen. You can't blame someone for wanting to be in the spotlight; weore humans (unless you're a robot xD), itos in our nature to gain appreciation from our peers. Also thereos no need in blaming moderators for ospamo projects gaining attention on PMC, they have enough to worry about. The only person you ought to be worrying about online is yourself. The best thing you can do to encourage people to work harder on their projects is to do so by example. If you put a great amount of work into your posts, that your peers may follow. Basically monkey see, monkey do :P

Personally, i like the pop reel. Most of the people on it do deserve it. Sure there are people that deserve pop reel too, but that is where most people stop. They're is a way to get more diamonds/views/fame... its called ADVERTISING ON CHAT!

Advertising (on chat) when a lot of people are on is an amazing idea. That is how all of my things that reached the pop reel got there (i haven't gotten a skin on the pop reel yet). If you make friends that are on, they will usually go and see it. PMing people will also get you some views (maybe, if you're nice and ask in the right way)

So i'm getting a little carried away here, so lets just say... The pop reel is cool, i like it, some people don't, so yeah.

So thanks to the awesome guys that helped with this blog, and i'll see you later
Creditmunchiesyum, hobo joe, ludicrous, animefanftw, pikamoar2121, cyprezz, all the people on chat, my face, Charlie The Unicorn

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03/03/2015 6:28 pm
Level 20 : Expert Hunter
Monotone's Avatar
Subscriber amount has nothing to do with being on the popreel. The popreel picks what to show based on views, downloads and diamonds in the space of time that the skin or whatever submission has been posted in. 

Although with the popularity problem, yes, a lot of the more popular more subcribed-to people get on there more often. Why's that? They submit quality work and people like it, so they wear/use/download etc.
04/04/2015 7:19 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
I knew the fact that Subscriber amount doesn't matter. But the more popular you are, the more attention you get. Simple.
04/05/2015 11:29 am
Level 20 : Expert Hunter
Monotone's Avatar
Agreed. Although like I said in the following conversation sometimes I just need to shut up...
03/03/2015 6:36 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
No way, I didn't know that :o:

If you didn't notice, this is from a year ago, and most of my opinions (and those of my co-writers) have changed. I knew all of this, but as most of the people I wrote this with aren't active all that much, I never re-wrote it. 

You said in your first paragraph that subscribers don't matter to get on the pop reel, yet in your second you said that they do...?

I really hate pulling the PMC age card, but you joined two months ago, and I joined two years ago. I know all of this. Not to say I don't appreciate you trying to better me, but I already knew all of it

Thanks for the comment though.
03/03/2015 6:42 pm
Level 20 : Expert Hunter
Monotone's Avatar
What I meant was the site doesn't calculate what goes on the popreel by subscriber amount.
03/03/2015 8:35 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
please don't think me mean ;-; i'm just really debate-minded
03/03/2015 7:13 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
Yeah, but  I also can't see where you got that we said that it was. I'm re-reading the entire thing, and I have yet to see a single instance where someone says that subscribers are taken into account on the pop reel.
03/05/2015 11:35 am
Level 20 : Expert Hunter
Monotone's Avatar
Dont worry, sometimes I just need to learn to shut my mouth. xP
03/05/2015 12:10 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
No way, you have that problem too? Wow I thought I was the only one xD
12/09/2014 6:07 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
babbajagga's Avatar
just some notice about the QQ 'bout popular being pop-reeled in majority... bs ;)

I would say the pop-reel works based on the current views, so if several people view the current uploads shortly after each other it gets pop-reeled.

Similar thing happened to me in last days few times, as I uploaded in a probably active visitors time, and got pop-reeled with some of my addon packs which adds just like 1 type of texture in different colors (ie. stained clay blocks), they had 1 diamond only, zero favs, and no comments.
Nothing about being famous, popular, or whatsnots.

so the QQ about the being popular = ftw to get pop-reeled = false.

People complaining about the pop-reeling of others is imo just envy coming out of that they have not yet being there and they would wish to be there.
= ego ;)

I like the pop-reel because it picks up random stuff I would never find otherwise most probably.
Sometimes there are amazing creations, and sometimes I really can't imagine how some crap could get pop-reeled :D

(why I just get those additional gaps between rows... lol)
12/09/2014 6:24 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Musician
Punkamoar's Avatar
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