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Interview with AnimeFanFTW

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Crescendo's Avatar Crescendo
Level 82 : Elite Witch
Whoa another interview from me! Though this week I am interviewing AnimeFanFTW- One of my friends from down at the club anime hub!

You can see his interview with me here!

On that note... I will BOLD and he will be Green

1. Heya AnimeFan how are you doing this fine day? :D

I'm doing good today. Just played Jetpack Joyride not too long ago. xD

2. Oh wow never played that myself aha XD So AnimeFan, what made you want to join PMC? :D

Well, to simply chat to people who share the same passion of Minecraft as me. :D And plus, my friend told me to join, so yeah. xD

3. Aha this site gains a lot of people through reccommendations xDD! How come you picked the name AnimeFan? ;D

Take a guess! I'm a fan of anime. Didn't expect that, did you? xD

4. xDD NOPE NO WAY!? On that note what's your favourite anime of all time? ;P

Panty and Stocking. Excellent mixture of comedy and western cartoon art style. :D

5. Nice one- haven't seen it myself but cool! :D Is your favourite character from the same anime? Or another? And who is it :D!

Yes, it is from the same anime. It's Stocking Anarchy!

Interview with AnimeFanFTW

6. She is so cute! ;o; Oh and she's eating cake ;D so what is YOUR favourite cake? XDD random I know ;o;!

The real answer would be all of them. (Except fruit cake. Whoever invented fruit cake wanted to watch the world burn. xD) But I do need to give an answer, so I'll be unoriginal and say chocolate. :D

7. Oooo chocolate same here tbh xDDD Out of interest who are your favourite YouTubers? any channels you reccommend? :D

Yes, I reccomend Rooster Teeth. To be more specific, Achievement Hunter. Best Let's Players ever.
Then you have Markiplier. Dat voice tho.
Then Gigguk. Because an english anime reviewer is cool.
Then Pewdiepie. Cause why not?
Then ScrewAttack. Because DEATH BATTLE!
Then AnimeUnity. Cause I need mah AMV's.

Other then that, I surf Youtube most of the time. I do like watching Speed Run videos.

8. YouTube is one of my favourite sites xD So who are some of your favourite people here on PMC? :D

All of my friends on PMC. That list is:
DerpyKat, MayuriYandere. Epsilon40, Shanery, Nyanekomimi, Ender_Eely, Stocking,  _Rin_Kagamine_, Muffin Master, MGB_, Pichuiis, Kottonkandy8, Urrnge, Waffleman112, Munchiesyum, Jhent, Ludicrous, LIL_Danica, 2powerful4u, 
Lucariocios, Descripted, IamPetz, Sissy_, CaptainKat, UnnumberedTears, ImaLittleCreeper, Summertime, Fayemist, MissFunkyShoes, -+KawaiiMiku+-, XYZDimensions, Crescendo

(You can search for all these cool cats on the Members search! ;3)

9. Oh wow! You have met so many people on PMC! What's you favorite submission from someone else? :D

Easy. The Panty and Stocking map, made by legendary PMC member, Divici! True Fact, I requested he made this map, and weeks later, he did. In other words, senpai noticed me. xD

Interview with AnimeFanFTW

10. Wow that's so cool! What about your own submissions? which is your fave? :D

Either my 2 blogs on What anime characters would do if they played Minecraft, or the blog on How much stuff can MC Steve carry. I really enjoyed making those 3. xD

As for my favourite skin I've made, my favourite is my Ryuko Matoi skin. 2400 views and 112 downloads? Seriously? xD

11. That's really popular! ;o; Now for the last question! What's currently your favourite song? xP!

Haha, it's ok. xD My favorite song is a very new favourite. Only discovered this song weeks ago. It's One Ok Rock - No Scared

12. I like that song! Heard it a lot recently aha! x3 (my tastes range quite a bit) Before we end this interview are there any shoutouts/message to subscribers you would like to make? :D

Yes, I have a few shoutouts. Shoutout to you, for interviewing me. Shoutout to Nyanekomimi, the lord of the PMC Anime Hub. Shoutout to all of my 500+ subscribers for liking my horrible content, and Shoutout to Paril, for taking the blame after so many years.

Woo thanks for the interview trade AnimeFanFTW! here it is posted 2 days after I promised I would x'D

See you next time everyone! ^_^

Interview with AnimeFanFTW


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05/31/2015 12:25 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Zombie
unsubscribe12345677's Avatar
master chef crescendo
06/01/2015 2:23 am
Level 82 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
When my friend and I cook she refers to me as 'Oliver' and I call her 'Jamie' xD
06/01/2015 10:33 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Zombie
unsubscribe12345677's Avatar
gordon ramsey would be in shame compared to you two lol
06/02/2015 9:31 am
Level 82 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
06/01/2015 2:14 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Better then Jamie Oliver
06/01/2015 2:23 am
Level 82 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
06/01/2015 2:32 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Wow, just noticed I posted about Jamie Oliver 9 minutes before you. xDDD
06/01/2015 2:50 am
Level 82 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
aha I was trying to post to both you and Jall xD
05/30/2015 7:49 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Blob
Spatscat's Avatar
Barbie. Cuz its summer xD
05/31/2015 5:02 am
Level 82 : Elite Witch
Crescendo's Avatar
it is :-3 tho looking outide at the rain I can hardly believe it XD
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