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Interview with AnimeFanFTW

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experttacobear's Avatar experttacobear
Level 27 : Expert Taco
Interview with AnimeFanFTW.
I will break the interview down into sections for the reader's convenience. :p

Random Question portion.

gbg1101: What is your favorite color?
AnimeFanFTW: My favorite colour is green.

gbg1101: What is your favorite icecream?
AnimeFanFTW: My favorite icecream is mint and chocolate chip.

gbg1101: If you could be a kitchen appliance what would you be and why?
AnimeFanFTW: I would be a toaster because I like toast.

gbg1101: What is your favorite day of the week?
AnimeFanFTW: My favorite day of the week is Saturday.

gbg1101: What are your pet peeves?
AnimeFanFTW: My pet peeves are rude people, my computer lagging and people that jump to conclusions.

gbg1101: What are you allergic to?
AnimeFanFTW: I am allergic to nothing.

gbg1101: Do you have a strong Austalian accent?
AnimeFanFTW: I do not have a strong Aussie accent. I have more of a English accent.

gbg1101: What are your hobbies?
AnimeFanFTW: My hobbies are watching anime, playing videogames, and watching the NRL (football in Australia)

gbg1101: What is your greatest accomplishment?
AnimeFanFTW: My greatest accomplishment is finishing and passing high school.

gbg1101: What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
AnimeFanFTW: My most embarrassing thing that has happened to me is when I travelled to a ski resort on a school excersion, and on the first day, I lost my phone. The phone was found hours later.

PMC Portion:

gbg1101: Have you ever got a moderator warning?
AnimeFanFTW: Yes, I have gotten warnings.

gbg1101: Why did you get those warnings?
AnimeFanFTW: All of them, but one was by accident. My first one was when on the first day I joined PMC, I entered chat and spammed. I am ashamed that I did that.

gbg1101: Who is your favorite moderator? Come on I know you have one. :P
AnimeFanFTW: My favorite moderator is _FoxHound_ because she is funny and nice.

gbg1101: Who are your top PMC friends?
AnimeFanFTW: My top friends in PMC are MayuriYandere, Nyanekomimi, Epsilon40, Stocking and Shanery.

gbg1101: How did you come across PMC?
AnimeFanFTW: I came across PMC when my friend, who is called Epsilon40 here, told me about PMC. So I went on and joined.

gbg1101: Do you play Minecraft at all?
AnimeFanFTW: If Minecraft was working on my laptop, then yes. But it doesn't. I do try to play when I get the chance, but I haven't played it at all lately.

gbg1101: What do you like about PMC?
AnimeFanFTW: The things I like about PMC is the community. The community here is so nice. I also like the forums alot.

gbg1101: What do you dislike about PMC?
AnimeFanFTW: There isn't anything I really dislike about PMC. Except maybe all those "Herobrine is real" forums and blogs.

gbg1101: What suggestions would you give to improve this site?
AnimeFanFTW: I don't have any suggestions. PMC is fine the way it is.

gbg1101: What is your favorite PMC section besides forums? Like Projects, Skins, Mods, etc.
AnimeFanFTW: My favorite PMC section is the Skins Section, because some of the skins posted there look fantastic.

Anime Portion:

gbg1101: What is your all time favorite anime series?
AnimeFanFTW: My favorite anime series is an anime called "Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt".

gbg1101: What is your least favorite anime series?
AnimeFanFTW: My least favorite anime series
is called "Sword Art Online"

gbg1101: How many total series have you finished?
AnimeFanFTW: The amount of anime series I have completed is 26 different series. And it's slowly rising.

gbg1101: Where do you find your anime profile pictures?
AnimeFanFTW: I find my anime profile pictures from Google Images.

gbg1101: How often do you switch them out?
AnimeFanFTW: I switch my profile pictures maybe once a month, maybe longer.

gbg1101: Do you watch any anime in different languages even though you can't understand it?
AnimeFanFTW: I watch anime in english and japanese with subtitles. I don't understand japanese, so the subtitles help a lot.

gbg1101: Is your rolemodel an anime character? lol
AnimeFanFTW: No, my role model is not an anime character.

There you have it! Thanks to AnimeFanFTW for the interview. Make sure to check out his profile. Also leave a diamond if you liked it. <3

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03/09/2014 7:30 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Looks great. Thank you. :D
03/09/2014 9:33 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
SwiftFX's Avatar
03/09/2014 9:34 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Woo, NRL! xD
03/09/2014 9:27 pm
Level 27 : Expert Taco
experttacobear's Avatar
No. Thank you! :p
03/09/2014 9:29 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Hahaha, no problem. xD
03/08/2014 1:28 pm
Level 27 : Expert Taco
experttacobear's Avatar
Lol I will try to fix those annoying little green spaces soon at the end of the lines.
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