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ESPER - mobs36

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mouse36's Avatar mouse36
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
Welcome back (or just welcome) to Mobs36!

ESPER, ESPer, or Esper is a psionic mob which consists of a single, floating ender eye. It cannot attack on its own, and relies on its psychic strength and gravity to defeat you. ESPER periodically raises you into the air, and your vision whirls with telekinetic force until the battle ends. Attack the eye, or better, below it. ESPER will drop emeralds or an eye of ender.

ESPER uses telekinesis
Above: ESPER uses telekinesis and obfuscates the screen. Note: FinishLine is used. (texture pack)

To summon ESPER:
/summon minecraft:vindicator ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName:"\"ESPER\"",CustomNameVisible:1,PersistenceRequired:1b,Attributes:[{Name:"generic.followRange",Base:0},{Name:"generic.movementSpeed",Base:0.4f},{Name:"generic.attackDamage",Base:0}],Silent:1,ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{id:"minecraft:ender_eye",tag:{display:{Name:"ESPER's Eye"}},Count:1}],ArmorDropChances:[0F,0F,0F,0.8F],ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647}]}

To give its psionic powers (i'm horrible at redstone):
Place a 4x1x4 thing of blocks. Then place three redstone dust at the corresponding corners (not on the blocks). Add a repeater circle, and right-click each repeater three times. At the corner without redstone, place a command block. Then, extending from the circle, skip a block, place a command block, skip another block, and place another command block. Finally, place redstone dust over the three command blocks.

In the command blocks of the circle (order doesn't matter):
- /execute as @e[type=vindicator,name=ESPER] run tp @e[type=vindicator,name=ESPER,count=1] @p
- /execute as @e[type=vindicator,name=ESPER] run effect give @p levitation 1 4
- /execute as @e[type=vindicator,name=ESPER] run effect give @p nausea 10

Adequate redstone (for ESPER)
Above: Adequate redstone (for this). Note: the command block with a button on it is to summon ESPER.

Now you have a cool, horribly detailed mob to put somewhere to confuse or vex your friends! Or maybe's you're reading this just to put it in your world. Maybe you're just reading it to read it. Whatever.


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