Minecraft Blogs / Interview

CroshVee Interviews AnimeFanFTW

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croshvee's Avatar croshvee
Level 22 : Expert Narwhal
me: How are you?

AnimeFanFTW: I'm going good.

me: How did you hear about minecraft?

AnimeFanFTW: I discovered Minecraft from my brother. He returned home one day with Minecraft in his laptop, then I played it.

me: This is not a question.

AnimeFanFTW: Ok, not a question. xD

me: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

AnimeFanFTW: Ummm.....Chuck?

me: Chuck Norris. Anyway, How many fingers am I holding up?

AnimeFanFTW: 2. No wait, 4!!!

me: close. It's 500,000,000. What is your favorite song?

AnimeFanFTW: The Opening song from the anime Kill la Kill

me: Of course. If someone said 'I know where you live' what would you say back?

AnimeFanFTW: Prove it.

me: I'm going bowling without you. How does that make you feel?

AnimeFanFTW: I would feel sad, then forget about it as soon as I go on a laptop.

me:Thaat's nice.

link to AnimeFanFTW and me:


thanks, pmc members! Tell me who you want me to interview next!


me: How are you?

??: I'm currently being attacked by mutant rabit/ostrich hybryids, so I'm going to go with frightened.

thanks for watching and bye!

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