Minecraft Blogs / Interview

An Interview with Anime and Minecraft Lover: AnimeFanFTW

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WA1D0's Avatar WA1D0
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper
Hello there PMC! Today I bring you the interview of AnimeFanFTW, were we shall dive into the thoughts of yet another PMCer.




Where did you hear of minecraft from and when did you start playing it?

I think it was about 2 or 3 years ago. My little brother got a laptop and he told me about Minecraft. At first, I thought that "This game looks ugly." I then played it and instantly loved it. I started playing the same time I found out about Minecraft.

When did you get into anime?

I got into anime by a videogame. I got a Naruto DS game (can't remember what the game was called) about a year ago. I liked the game alot. I heard about Naruto and decided to watch the anime and I loved it. I then watched other anime and I loved that too. My faveorite animes are Panty and Stocking, Angel Beats and RWBY.

How did you find out about PMC and what motivated you to create content?

I found out about PMC from a friend of mine. My friend from college goes on PMC and said to me that I should go on as well. So I decided to go on PMC and make myself a profile. I got motivated to make stuff for PMC because I just wanted to make maps and skins and blogs and to get good feedback. I also wanted to do it to make new friends.

What is your favorite content to create: skins or blogs?

I can't decide whether I like to make skins or blogs the most! XD
I would have to pick blogs because I love talking! :D

How did you feel when you reached 50 subscribers?

When I hit 50 subscribers, I had the biggest grin on my face! When I started PMC, I never thought I would make it to 50 subs. :D

Which Anime do you enjoy the most?

The anime I enjoy the most is action and comedy anime. Panty and Stocking and Angel Beats are both very funny and full of action. I don't mind abit of drama and romance as well!

Do you consider yourself an average PMCer?

I consider myself a average PMCer. I'm not extremely well known but I'm not completely unknown.

What do your plans hold for the future of MInecraft and PMC?

My future plans for my time in PMC is to post more skins and blogs, meet new friends and get to 100 subs and beyond! :D

WA1D0 again and thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please Remember to Diamond, Subscribe and Favorite.

WA1D0 Out.

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09/28/2013 5:27 am
Level 30 : Artisan Warrior
BrookieYT's Avatar
Me me me interview meh....
09/23/2013 11:11 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Thank you! This is great! :3
09/23/2013 11:13 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Creeper
WA1D0's Avatar
Np, fun interview
Planet Minecraft


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