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Citing and linking to the GEO database

Citing GEO Expand all

Citing the GEO database

Original paper:

Edgar R, Domrachev M, Lash AE.
Gene Expression Omnibus: NCBI gene expression and hybridization array data repository
Nucleic Acids Res. 2002 Jan 1;30(1):207-10

Latest paper:

Barrett T, Wilhite SE, Ledoux P, Evangelista C, Kim IF, Tomashevsky M, Marshall KA, Phillippy KH, Sherman PM, Holko M, Yefanov A, Lee H, Zhang N, Robertson CL, Serova N, Davis S, Soboleva A.
NCBI GEO: archive for functional genomics data sets--update.
Nucleic Acids Res. 2013 Jan;41(Database issue):D991-5.

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Citing your GEO submission

"The data discussed in this publication have been deposited in NCBI's Gene Expression Omnibus (Edgar et al., 2002) and are accessible through GEO Series accession number GSExxx ("

We strongly recommend that submitters cite their Series accession number (GSExxx) because that record summarizes the experiment and includes links to all other relevant data.

Citing data you find in GEO

In addition to citing one of the GEO database papers listed above for general use of GEO, if applicable, you should cite the original paper and the accession number used to identify the experiment(s) in GEO. That way the original generators of the data sets will get credit and allow readers to locate the source. The original paper (if available) is listed under the 'Citation' section of the Series and DataSet records.


  • "Smith et al., 2006, recently performed microarray experiments investigating effect of compound X on neurons (data accessible at NCBI GEO database (Edgar et al., 2002), accession GSExxx)."
  • "In March 2008, a search of the GEO Profiles database (Barrett et al., 2006) revealed that Gene X is upregulated in response to compound Y (GEO accession GDSxxx; Smith et al., 2006)."

Also, please see Disclaimer.

Linking to GEO Expand all

Linking to GEO accessions

A specific GEO Platform (GPLxxx), Sample (GSMxxx), or Series (GSExxx) record may be linked as follows:

where xxx is the numerical part of the accession.

We recommend linking to the Series object because it summarizes the experiment and includes links to all other relevant accessions.


Linking to GEO DataSet records

A specific DataSet (GDSxxx) record may be linked as follows:

where xxx is the numerical part of the accession.


Linking to Entrez GEO Profiles

Specific profile(s) can be linked using a query term as follows:


Linking to Entrez GEO DataSets

Specific DataSet(s) can be linked using a query term as follows:


Last modified: July 16, 2024