Inception (2010) Poster


Parents Guide

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MPAA Rated PG-13 for sequences of violence and action throughout

Sex & Nudity

  • There is a mild kissing scene between Arthur and Ariadne. Nothing else happens.
  • The main antagonist is wearing a revealing dress.
  • One specific character shows a lot of cleavage by the dresses she wears throughout the movie

Violence & Gore

  • A woman shoots a man in the leg, and another man in the room shoots her and two other men.
  • A man runs through a crumbling building shooting several attackers in the beginning.
  • There's a shootout in a street when a freight train plows through several cars, and a group of men fire guns at a taxi and van full of people. The people return fire and escape, ands several attackers are bloodlessly shot and killed.
  • There's a long sequence where people raid a base in snowy mountains, and Two men fight and one is thrown off balcony, and he lands in a snowdrift and kills the other man. He proceeds to move around the base killing more men and placing charges, and he ultimately detonates them, causing a massive explosion.
  • A man knocks another man off a snowmobile.
  • There's a chase on a hill and several men chase other men on skis, firing guns at them, and a few men are knocked off their skis and roll down the hill, unconscious.
  • Several men fire at an abandoned building, and people inside return fire, and one man blows up an attacker with a large grenade launcher.
  • A woman throws herself off a ledge, but is not seen hitting the ground.
  • There's a car chase shown intermittently in the middle of the film, where several men chase a van and fire weapons at it. Several cars crash, and the van flips over but lands right side up, and it continues driving. The van ultimately goes over the side of a bridge when more men shoot at it, and lands in water.
  • A man fights another man in a hallway, though this is brief, and one of the men kills the other.
  • Explosives are detonated in an elevator shaft, and a large explosion is seen.
  • A group of people hold a woman while another woman stabs her (not graphic), though this is in a dream.
  • A street starts violently exploding in a dream, and two people are killed (in the dream).
  • Two men fight in a hotel room briefly.
  • A few shootings with blood spray
  • In a Dream a man is Shot in the leg blood Squirts out and Then he is Shot in the Head.This is fair suprisingly and very Hard to catch
  • Inception is not overall gory or bloody. The bloodiest imagery in Inception is where a man is shot in the stomach, you can see blood through his shirt.
  • A handful of scenes with blood accompanying shooting. This includes a man being shot in the leg showing a large spray of blood, a woman and a man being shot in the chest with blood spraying out, men being shot in the snow and while in gunfights. The blood is always brief.
  • A man becomes suffocated to death by one of the main characters.
  • A man is shot about halfway through the movie, where we see red seep through a man's shirt as he coughs up flecks of blood. Blood is seen on his shirt for the rest of the film.
  • Violence in Inception is tricky to tally. At times we see real men get hurt or killed. But much of the violence is perpetuated in dream worlds, where the people we see are not real, but manifestations of the subject's subconscious. As a result, the "real" body count is surprisingly low (at least for a film that wields this much intensity), while metaphysical fatalities run off the chart.
  • A man takes out two men in a bathroom, shooting both of them dead.
  • The mayhem is practically bloodless, and it's perpetrated with a certain, almost chilly, remove.
  • There's a lengthy chase scene through city streets in another country, and a man being pursued hits several men, knocking them into things. They fire guns at him, but he evades the bullets and escapes in a car.
  • Two men fight in a hallway during a very weird sequence in which the room turns. The fight ends when one of the men shoots the other (not graphic).


  • At least 8 hells, 2 uses of asshole, 2 damns, 6 uses of "Goddamn," 3 uses of "Jesus Christ," 2 of "Jesus" and "My God" and 1 use each of "For God's sakes" and "God."
  • A few uses of "hell", two uses of "ass" (one being "jackass"), one being "asshole" a few "damn"s and about 5 uses of "goddamn", plus one middle finger.
  • A few occasional uses of "shit", "crap" and "piss".

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • People drink wine and beer. Sedative medications and other mysterious concoctions are required to put people into these dreamlike states.
  • A character has lost his ability to dream normally, and so he repeatedly hooks himself up to delve into his own haunting dream world.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Inception is an intense movie. There are many deaths including a disturbing suicide, a high-stakes espionage plot that has an exceptionally intense ending and much more.
  • Some concepts in the movie are potentially derealizing.
  • This film has an intense atmosphere throughout. The second half of the film is especially intense.
  • A van drives off a bridge and slowly falls toward a river.
  • In a dream, people hold a woman while another woman walks up and stabs her. She wakes up before you can see any harm done. This scene is unexpected and can frighten some.
  • A woman shoots a man's leg to torture him.
  • A train unexpectedly crashes into a car with people in it.
  • A street starts exploding (in a dream).
  • The action is intense at times. People die (see violence/gore).
  • The concept of the dream-levels in the movie, and the fact that you might not be sure if the characters are dreaming or not, might frighten some viewers.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • A woman stabs a man (not graphic), and another woman shoots her, and kicks a man over a cliff.
  • A man shoots several men with a sniper rifle, and he shoots a woman dead with it after she shoots a man he's trying to protect. Blood is briefly seen on the man's and woman's shirts.
  • A woman jumps off of a building ledge, but isn't seen hitting the ground, though it's said that she died.
  • 4 instances of blood in the film: a man is shot in the leg (blood is briefly sprayed), a man is shot and blood is seen seeping through the shirt (shown for the rest of the movie), a woman shoots a man with noticeable blood spray; and a woman is shot with a lot of blood spray.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The notion that reality can be a dream and you don't know can be frightening for some.
  • In one scene we see the Protagonist sitting next to a woman and they're talking. A woman standing in an elevator is watching them unseen. The moment she gets seen, a loud sound is played, that could scare some people.
  • Mal commits suicide in real life (thinking she's in a dream and will wake up). Don's reaction is seen after she jumps. This scene is very sad and may disturb some viewers.
  • A scene is shown several times where a man and woman are lying on a train track with the intention of committing suicide.
  • The suicide of a character because he/she thought he/she were in a dream. Although the aftermath is never seen, we see the observers reaction to the suicide.

See also

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