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Type: Report
Author(s): Alison D. York; Randi R. Jandt
Publication Date: May 2019

A three-day workshop was held at the University of Alaska Fairbanks April 4-6, 2017. The interagency, international workshop was hosted by the Alaska Fire Science Consortium (AFSC) with funding from the NASA Applied Sciences Program to bring sciences users and producers together to explore new opportunities for applied remote sensing research in boreal and arctic fire management.

Our objectives included fostering co-developed investigations into new management, strategic, and scientific foundation and operational efficiency of high northern latitude (HNL) fire management, improving understanding of climate-induced changes in HNL fire regimes and ecosystem components and potential feedbacks to the global climate system.

We hope the workshop’s discussions and outcomes lead to expanded application and use of remotely sensed data for fire management and fire science in HNL countries.

Online Links
Citation: York, Alison D.; Jandt, Randi R. 2019. Opportunities to Apply Remote Sensing in Boreal/Arctic Wildfire Management & Science: A Workshop Report. Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska-Fairbanks. 72 p.

Cataloging Information

Climate    Communications    Fire Behavior    Fire Ecology    Mapping    Models
  • climate change
  • fire management
  • high northern latitudes
  • remote sensing of fire
  • satellite remote sensing
  • workshops
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FRAMES Record Number: 57849