As a native New Orleanian I am someone who takes life in stride, loves an ominous summer thunderstorm and is never averse to eating hot, spicy Cajun food.


As a former resident of Budapest, Hungary for nearly three years, I am someone who greatly admires the beauty of ancient cities, loves an adventure and is not afraid to be out of my element.


As a resident of California (mostly and currently San Francisco) for over a decade, I am someone who loves scenic places, liberal politics and cold, damp summers[*].


As someone who has lived in a lot of places, I clearly define myself by where I've been and where I dare to go. That, and my deep, undying passion for chocolate milk.


Also, I loves me some pictures and I vacillate between the fine craftsmanship but heavy footprint of my Canon Digital Rebel SLR and the incredible portability but craptastic photo quality of my iPhone.


Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I'm madly in love with my three girls: Jenn, Stella, Ophelia and, the newest addition, Zoey Leigh! I'm a lucky man...


[*] - Except for the part about the cold, damp summers.

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  • JoinedFebruary 2004
  • OccupationHuman conduit
  • HometownNew Orleans
  • Current citySan Francisco
  • CountryUS
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Photos of Jay Allen


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Best. Friend. Ever.

March 31, 2005

oh those Jay hugs, there ain't nothin' like 'em!

September 1, 2004

Jay has one of the softest bald heads I have ever had the pleasure to fondle. He is a gem and super sweet too.

March 22, 2004