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The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre is a non-profit, and independent research centre. While we are primarily self-funded by providing access to the Cambridge Structural Database and related software, we also use grants to fund some of our work. These allow us to continue our charitable mission; to advance structural science for the public benefit.

Here we detail grants we have received to support our research and development efforts.

Contact us here if you’d like to collaborate with us on research or grant applications.


We also support the scientific community by providing sponsorship, awards, and FAIRE grants. Learn more about these on the relevant pages:


Sponsored PhD Studentships

Awards and Sponsorship

FAIRE Grants

Engagement Grants


Grants Supporting Our Research and Development


The Digital Design Accelerator Platform to Connect Active Material Design to Product Performance, awarded by Innovate UK as part of the Manufacturing Made Smarter initiative. This project ran from 2020 to 2022.

External partners included AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Perceptive Engineering, University of Leeds, University of Sheffield, and the University of Strathclyde.

This accelerated the development of tools to analyse particle behaviour, now available in our CSD-Particle software.

Learn more about CSD-Particle

Knowledge Transfer Partnership: VisualHabit

Awarded by InnovateUK as part of the Knowledge Transfer Partnerships intiative. This project ran from 2020 to 2023.


Awarded by the BBSRC as part of the BBR fund intiative. This project ran from 2020 to 2023.

Learn More


Digital Design of Complex Materials for Formulated Products was awarded by Innovate UK as part of the Industrial Strategy Fund (ISCF) Manufacturing Made Smarter Challenge. This project ran from 2020 to 2022.


The UK Physical Sciences Data Infrastructure project (PSDI) is aiming to connect experimental and computational resources to enable more effective reuse of data by researchers in the physical sciences. This will include the development of a platform that can connect across existing data infrastructures to enable data from different sources to be combined for use in AI and other computational workflows. It will also provide support and guidance that will help ensure FAIR management and publication of future physical sciences data collections.

In 2022, the CCDC contributed to the PSDI Pilot through provision of CSD-Theory to support a case study focused on materials discovery and by providing a report on the role of structure in physical sciences data management – you can read the report here.

Learn more about CSD-Theory
People in a meeting with a laptop on the table and the person in front of the laptop gesturing.

Want to work with us?Get in touch with the CCDC research team here.