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Open Source

Open source products are public and community-supported.

While they may have originated from or use CCDC data, we do not actively maintain or support these products.

CSD GitHub Repository

Find a range of scripts for use with the CSD data and software, to support automated, repeatable analyses using the CSD-Python API. You can download and use, or modify the scripts here, and share your scripts with the community!

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DASH is a versatile and interactive package for solving crystal structures from powder diffraction data.

In 2021 it was made open source and is now maintained by the community, allowing new features to develop.

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Fragment Hotspots

Given a whole protein and no prior knowledge, the Fragment Hotspots application identifies the location and quality of binding sites in minutes.

Not only do high scoring regions coincide with ligand binding site, but the very highest scoring regions specifically highlight fragment binding sites.

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