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Data Management

Your Data Is What Powers Your Science.

Your proprietary data is the foundation for your next discovery. However, data siloes and inconsistent storage can make searching, finding, and sharing results internally a challenge.

Apply our expertise to your data to improve accessibility and searchability for your team – all within top security standards.

Our team has decades of experience curating and managing complex data sets – not only for the public CSD but for proprietary databases of top pharma around the world.

What we Offer

On-Site WebCSD

The complete package. Our team will curate your proprietary data into a Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)-like database, accessible through a simple browser-based interface. This is all done within your firewall to comply with your data security requirements.

Your team will be able to search, analyse, view, share and learn from structural data easily across functions — breaking down siloes, and facilitating discussion between departments.

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A light bulb icon.

Data Consultancy

Looking for recommendations or an external perspective on your proprietary structural data management? Our team has decades of experience working with data sets of all sizes and complexities.

We can consult on an ad-hoc basis and recommend steps you can take to make your data work harder for your team. Contact us to ask a question or tell us about your project needs.

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An icon with a magnifying glass over 3 different shapes.

Theoretical / Predicted Data

See your experimental and predicted results side by side, to get the complete picture of your system of interest. View and understand crystal structure prediction (CSP) results quickly and easily, no matter what your technical background.

We can help to generate a database of your computationally predicted crystal structures to view, search and share within your team, as part of our CSD-Theory offering. Get in touch to ask a question or tell us about your project.

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A data server rack with lots of blue lights.

We provide proprietary data management services to top global organisations, including GSK and Pfizer.