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Training and Learning

Group of teenagers looking at a computer screen and talking to each other.

The wealth of information contained within the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) extends far beyond a collection of crystal structures. Knowledge derived from these materials informs much of chemistry, biochemistry, and biology. Chemical and structural concepts are often difficult to grasp without real world, interactive examples for students to explore.

The materials accessible from this page provide personal training on the CSD-Portfolio or can be used by educators in your own courses or labs. Depending on how you learn, there are self-guided workshop materials offered as PDFs that provide a step-by-step guide for each workshop, there are training videos demonstrating particular features in the CSD-Portfolio available on YouTube, and finally a mix of step-by-step handouts and video modules as part of CSDU.

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CSDU: On-Demand Learning

A series of on-demand training modules where U can learn how to harness cheminformatics and data insights from the CSD to use in your work.




CSDU logo, showing a mortar board with CSDU beneath the board

Explore CSDU modules


Self-Guided Workshop Materials

The CCDC is continually developing tutorials and guides for hands-on workshops. From this page, you can access our self-guided workshops to use for your personal training on the CSD-Portfolio or in your own courses or labs.


Learn to use Mercury in a webinar or workshop

Explore workshop materials

Software Training and Support Videos

Find our latest videos, from software training short how-to video tutorials to introduce you to the practical aspects of new functionalities, to presentations and instructions of our services and resources, to talks and more.


Screenshot of Mercury video with a red play button

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