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People in the Community

Group of people raising their hands in the middle with many different flags in the air.

CSD Champions

CCDC is fortunate to have so many great champions across the world. We would like to recognize this group who have committed to provide us feedback and guidance to shape our E&O strategy as we grow.

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People in a meeting with a laptop on the table and the person in front of the laptop gesturing.

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is an external group of consultants that CCDC has enlisted to:

  • advise on new areas of science of potential interest to the CCDC, shaping the Science Strategy.
  • recommend possible areas and opportunities for new science where CCDC data or software may have an impact.

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An open notebook with a pen and glasses.

Emeritus Fellows

We support Emeritus Fellows to continue their research in retirement.

Our current Emeritus fellows are Robin Taylor and Paul Raithby.