Bruce Lawson's personal site

You want HTML5 funky dirty native, don’t you?

Made by someone commenting in Haavard Moen’s post about the announcement of "native HTML5", this video does NOT represent Opera’s official position, but it did make me laugh. Personally, I like "native HTML5". It’s important that it not be tainted with our "modern ways", but preserved for diversity reasons (thx @stommepoes!).

Microsoft announces an important innovation.

Official interview with me about Native HTML5.

Buy "Calling For The Moon", my debut album of songs I wrote while living in Thailand, India, Turkey. (Only £2, on Bandcamp.)

3 Responses to “ You want HTML5 funky dirty native, don’t you? ”

Comment by Linda Jenkinson

Well, Paddy, you are doing it wrong. It is pretty clear to me that you should be writing them n!

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