Bruce Lawson's personal site

HTML5 gurus on Twitter

Want an avalanche of argument and a bewildering babel of information and opinions about HTML? Here are the people I follow on Twitter who regularly tweet about the development of HTML5. Many of them I often disagree with. Many are friends. John Foliot is in the intersection of those two groups.

If you or your favourite weblebrity isn’t on here, sorry. Even Hixie isn’t listed; I restricted myself to people who contribute to the Working Groups, regularly tweet opinions or news about HTML5 (not CSS, SVG, etc – those are future lists.)

Here are people who are employed by browsers. It’s important that you know their affiliation, but they’re on my list because they speak their minds, not corporate press releases.






If you’d like less babel and more curation, I heartily recommend following

Who am I missing? Let me know.

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