march 19, 2021 online!

Twenty-one Years On. Wait...What?

We'd like to say we knew, but who could've.

When 20x2 launched, way back in 2001—literally a lifetime ago— we had precious little idea of what lay in store. We knew that the notion of an idea taking shape over the course of twenty speakers seemed both challenging and oddly thrilling. — But we didn't know how it might land.

And the answer to that question about questioning, as it turns out, is that you never know. You never know if you'll be surprised, dazzled, challenged or energized by two minutes in real time. Real time that gives us no choice but to be present. To take it all in.

And a present, in a sense, is how some of these scan —unearthed gems, private moments, hilarious anecdotes—all there to witness. To remember.

Turns out, two minutes stretches pretty much as long as you decide it should.

What In The World?

March 19, 2021

We're going to go out on a limb here and guess that you have parents.

You've probably heard that phrase a time or two. Maybe not. Perhaps some people are not easily surprised, or it's at least possible that you've heard a different exclamation altogether (contingent on the situation).

Regardless, we couldn't imagine a more literally planet expanding idea than the question at hand. If past history is any indicator, that doesn't mean that the stories we hear won't be intimate, or carefully considered. They may be reckless, larger than life. They may beg other questions altogether. But they'll rarely be forgotten.

Our last SXSW show. Twenty(one) years in the making. We can't wait to see what happens.

Who's On Deck? Attend Online

This year's show will be hosted online thanks to the wonderful folks at Airmeet. Presenters will be joining from the comfort of their homes, with the exception of some Austin locals joining us in our streaming studio.


Limited sponsorships are available for March of 2021! Sponsorships will be different due to the online nature of this year's show. If you are interested in being a sponsor our next 20x2 show in Austin, Texas, contact Kevin Newsum for more information.

  • Title Sponsor of our SXSW showcase
  • Top of Show address & mention
  • Name recognition & corporate logo on all promotional materials
  • On-site banner/booth placement
  • Sponsor page link on
  • Special mention as Premiere Title Sponsor in all media releases
  • 5 VIP tickets
  • Bottom of the show mention
  • Exclusivity in your industry
  • Right of first refusal for Title Sponsorship next SXSW event
  • Sponsor of our SXSW showcase
  • Top of Show mention
  • Name recognition & corporate logo on all promotional materials
  • On-site banner placement
  • Sponsor page link on
  • 3 VIP tickets
  • Bottom of the show mention
  • Exclusivity in your industry
  • Sponsor of our SXSW showcase
  • Top of Show mention
  • Logo on all promotional materials
  • Sponsor page link on
  • 2 VIP tickets
  • Bottom of the show mention
  • Sponsor of our SXSW showcase
  • Primary mention during two in-show audience participation segments
  • Logo on all promotional materials
  • Sponsor page link on
March 08, 2019
What Did You Expect?

What happens when you mix an enthusiastic audience, an amazing room, and 24,000 marshmallows? Well, I don't know but at least we didn't set anybody on fire.

Who Was There?
October 13, 2018
How Did I Get Here?

Turns out Moscow isn't nearly as far away as we always thought, and it's full of beautiful people that walked everywhere, took chances, and met their soulmates.

Who Was There?
March 09, 2018
What Are The Odds?

Amazing tales from the department of alternative facts, large cat attacks, and a superhero from a mythical land (or is it?).

Who Was There?
July 28, 2017
What's The Story?

Cozy up to a storyteller and you'll never know an unrealized adventure. Twenty plot twists and backstories you never saw coming.

Who Was There?
July 27, 2017

What Are You Waiting For?

Before The Mic Drops

Get the inside skinny

Our Team

A moderately oiled machine.

Kevin Newsum

Kevin Newsum

20x2 Founder & Host

Jeff Rider

Jeff Rider

Show Director & Video Archivist

Mark Couvillion

Mark Couvillion

Technical Director & Designer

Andrew Huff

Andrew Huff

20x2 Chicago Producer

What is This About?

Since our first show at SXSW in 2001, 20x2 has grown to include an ever-expanding list of participants. Our team works with featured artists to conjure a framework for creative exploration. With each show, the question and participants change, but their ability to surprise and amaze us never does.

Two minutes may fly by or stay with you forever, and it's that gift of perspective that 20x2 speakers capture so uniquely. If you've never seen a 20x2 show, we invite you to catch our next one. And if you're interested in bringing 20x2 to your city, drop us a line.

Our Sponsors