
Unlimited number of Booking Resources

Booking resources - it's your services or properties (like houses, cars, tables, etc...), that can be booked by visitors of your website.

Each booking resource have own unique calendar, which will prevent of double bookings for the same date(s).

It's means that you can receive bookings and show unavailable, booked dates in different calendars for different booking resources (services or properties).

You can add/delete/modify your booking resources at the Booking > Resource page.
You can define the calendar (booking form) to the specific booking resources,
at the popup configuration dialog, during inserting booking shortcode into post or page.

Configure Booking Form and Email Templates

Booking Form

Configure any format and view of your booking form (for example two columns view, with calendar in left column and form fields at right side, etc...)

Add any number of new form fields (text fields, drop down lists, radio-buttons, check-boxes or text-area elements, etc...)

Email Templates
You can activate and configure email templates for the different booking actions with shortcodes for any exist form fields and some other system shortcodes (like inserting address of the page (or IP), where user made this action).

WP Booking Calendar - Simple Booking Form configuration
WP Booking Calendar - Advanced booking form  configuration

Manage Bookings

  • Edit your bookings by changing details or dates of specific booking
  • Duplicate booking in other booking resource
  • Change resource for exist booking
  • Add notes to bookings for do not forget important info
  • Print filtering booking listing or single booking
  • Export bookings to the CSV format
  • Import bookings from public Google Calendar via Google API
  • Manual export / adding of booking (by clicking on link) to Google Calendar.
  • Sync bookings via .ics feeds.
    Import/Export of events /bookings via .ics feeds from Google Calendar, Airbnb, Booking.com, HomeAway, TripAdvisor, VRBO, FlipKey and any other calendar that uses .ics format, like iCal application. Please check more here.
  • And much more...

Explore many more great features in the Booking Calendar Personal version on our full features list ->

This version includes all functionality from Booking Calendar Personal version.

Advanced Hourly Bookings

Ability to make bookings for specific times (in addition to time-slots bookings, the bookings for specific start time and time duration or start time and end time, as well).

Configure selections or entering any times interval (several hours or few minutes) at the Booking > Settings > Form page:

  • Start time and end time entering in "time text fields"
  • Selections start time and end time
  • Selections start time and duration of time

Please note, if you will make the booking for specific times, this time-slot become unavailable for the other visitors for this selected date.

You can even activate booking of same time-slot in the several selected dates during the same booking session.

Payment Methods and Payment Gateways

You can set cost per specific booking resource and activate online payments

Support Payment Gateways:

  • Direct/wire bank transfer
  • Cash payments
  • Stripe (Checkout server integration)
  • PayPal (PayPal Standard Checkout integration)
  • Authorize.Net (Server Integration Method (SIM))
  • Opayo - Elavon (former SagePay) ("Form Integration" method)
  • iDEAL Buckaroo (former Sisow)
  • iPay88

You can activate and configure these gateways at Booking > Settings > Payment Gateways page.

You can even send payment request by email for specific booking.

Booking Calendar - Payment Methods

Changeover days

You can use the same date as "check in/out" for different bookings.

These half booked days will mark by vertical line (as in this live demo).

It's means that your visitors can start new booking on the same date, where some old bookings was ending.

To activate this feature you need select range days selection or multiple days selections mode on the General Booking Settings page in calendar section. After this you can activate the "Use changeover days" option and configure the check in/out times. For example, check in time as 14:00 and check out time as 12:00.

Tip. You can also activate to show changeover days as triangles (diagonal lines), instead of showing them via vertical lines.

Range days selection

Activate several days selection with 1 or 2 mouse clicks (by selecting check in and check out dates, all middle days will be selected automatically).

Its means that you can set only week(s) selections or any other number of days selections.

Configure specific number of days selections for range days selection with one mouse click. Or set minimum and maximum number of days selections (or even several specific number of days) for range days selection with two mouse clicks.

In addition you can set start day(s) selections for only specific week days.

Auto Cancellation / Auto Approval

You can activate auto cancellation of all pending booking(s), which have no successfully paid status, after specific amount of time, when booking(s) was making.

This feature will set dates again available for new booking(s) to other visitors.

You can even activate sending of emails to the visitors, during such cancellation.

Or you can activate auto approval of all incoming bookings.

Explore many more great features in the Booking Calendar Business Small version version on our full features list ->

This version includes all functionality from Booking Calendar Personal, Business Small versions.

Advanced Season Availability

You can set as unavailable days in your booking resources for specific seasons.

Its useful, when you need to block days for holidays or any other seasons during a year.

You can set days as conditional seasons filters (for example, only weekends during summer) or simply select range of days for specific seasons.

Note, instead of definition days as unavailable, you can set all days unavailable and only days from specific season filer as available.

Configuration. You can create season filters at the WP Booking Calendar > Availability > Seasons page and then at the WP Booking Calendar > Availability > Season Availability page set days in specific season as unavailable for the specific booking resources.

Set available days interval depending from today date

Limit available days from today - defining specific number of available days, that start from today. All other future days will be unavailable. Also in any versions of Booking Calendar possible to define Unavailable days from today - defining specific number of unavailable days in calendar start from today. Its means that with these 2 options you can set interval of available days, that depending from today date.

Set Additional Unavailable Time Before or After Bookings

This feature define a specific period of unavailability before or after bookings. It works in all scenarios: for time-slots bookings or for fully booked dates. When you select multiple dates and specific times for a booking, the system extends the unavailable time interval for those time slots on each day.

It's a great feature for preparing your property or service before or after a specific booking, such as allowing time for cleaning.

WP Booking Calendar - Set Additional Unavailable Time Before or After Bookings

Configuration. Customize it at Booking > Settings General page in Availability section.

Seasonal Pricing: Set different daily costs

Customize your daily rates for different seasons or weekdays to optimize your pricing strategy to seasonal demand or specific days of the week.

For example, you can have higher cost for the "High Season" or at weekends.

You can set rates as fixed cost per day (night) or as percent from original cost of booking resource.

Configuration. You can set rates for your booking resources at WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Daily Costs page by clicking on Seasonal Pricing button.

WP Booking Calendar - Setup Seasonal Pricing for High seasons

For more guidance, refer to the FAQ configuration page.

Duration-Based Cost - cost depends from number of selected days

The Duration-Based Cost Customization feature in the Booking Calendar plugin allows users to adjust prices based on how long guests stay. Here's why it's handy:

  • Variable Pricing: You can set different prices for different lengths of stay. For instance, you could offer a discount for a week-long booking.
  • Flexible Setup: Choose how you want prices to change. You can set costs per day, as a percentage of the original price, or cost for the entire booking duration.
  • Seasonal Flexibility: You have the option to connect these custom prices to particular seasons. It's essential to understand that Duration-Based Costs tied to seasons only consider the check-in day's season. This means that while some days may fall into other seasons, the cost configuration remains unaffected. Find more information at this page.
  • Better User Experience: By offering personalized pricing, you can attract more guests and keep them happy with clear and fair rates.

Booking Calendar - Duration-Based Costs - Configuring Week Cost Discount

Let's say your standard daily rate is $100. With this feature you can configure such costs at the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Daily Costs page -> section Duration-Based Costs:

You could offer a 10% discount for bookings of 7 days or more, making it $90 per day for the whole booking.
Or, you could charge $85 per day for bookings of 14 days or longer.

In short, Duration-Based Cost Customization lets you tweak prices to fit your business needs, making booking management simpler and more profitable. For more detailed information about this configuration, refer to our FAQ article.

Early booking / Last minute booking discounts

Last minute booking discounts.
Set discount, if difference between "today" and "check in" day LESS than N days.

Early booking discount.
Set discount, if difference between "today" and "check in" day MORE than N days.

You can set discounts as fixed cost or as percent from original cost of booking resource.

Configuration. You can set these discounts for your booking resources at Booking > Resources > Cost and rates page by clicking on Early / Late button.

Available since update 8.3

Cost depends from selection options in booking form

You can set additional costs, like tax or some other additional charges (cleaning, breakfast, etc...),
or just increase the cost of booking depends from the visitor number selection in your booking form.

Its means that you can set additional cost for any selected option(s) in select-boxes or check-boxes at your booking form.

You can set fixed cost or percentage from the total booking cost or additional cost per each selected day or night.

Configuration. Firstly you need to configure options selection in select-boxes or check-boxes in your booking form at Booking > Settings > Form page, then you be able to configure additional cost for each such option at the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Form Options Costs page. You can read more about configurations of this functionality at the FAQ page here.

Tip & Trick. You can show cost hints separately for the each items, that have additional cost at Booking > Resources > Advanced cost page. For example, if you have configured additional cost for my_tax option at Advanced cost page, then in booking form you can use this shortcode [my_tax_hint] to show additional cost of this specific option. Add "_hint" term to name of shortcode for creation hint shortcode.
Tip & Trick. Its possible to use arithmetic expressions. Its useful, when you are having checkbox, and need to apply additional cost depend from other selected option. For example, add breakfast cost depend from selected visitors number. Check more at FAQ. (since update 8.2)

Partial Payments - Deposit payments

You can offer your customers the flexibility to make a partial payment upfront for the bookings.
With options to set fixed amounts or or percentages that suit your business. This helps attract more customers and increases bookings. Also, you can customize deposit payments based on seasons or when customers check in, making transactions smoother.

Explore detailed step by step guide for configuration of the Partial Payments.

WP Booking Calendar - Partial Payments Setup

Configuration. You can activate and configure Partial Payments for specific booking resources at the WP Booking Calendar > Prices > Daily Costs page page by clicking on "Partial Payments" button.

Multiple Custom Booking Forms

You can create several custom forms configurations.

Its means that you can have the different booking forms (which have the different form fields) for different booking resources.

You can also set specific custom form as default booking form to each of your booking resources at Booking > Resources page.

Configuration. You can create several custom booking forms at the Booking > Settings > Form page by clicking on "Add new Custom Form" button.

Advanced days selection

Specify that on specific week days (or during certain seasons), the specific minimum (or fixed) number of days must be booked.
For example: visitor can select only 3 days starting at Friday and Saturday, 4 days – Friday, 5 days – Monday, 7 days – Saturday, etc...

Also, you can define specific week day(s) as start day in calendar selection for the specific season.
For example, in "High Season", you can allow start day selection only at Friday in the "Low Season" to start day selection from any weekday.

Read more about this configuration here (at options parameter section).

WP Booking Calendar - Advanced days selection

Different time slots for different days

This feature provide ability to use the different time slots selections in the booking form for different selected week days or seasons.

Each week day (day of specific season filter) can have different time slots list.

You can check more info about this configuration at this page

Note. In the same way you can configure showing any different form fields, not only time-slots.

Display Customizable Booking Details in Tooltip

With this feature, users can showcase customized booking details in a tooltip when hovering over specific dates on the standard month calendar. Users have the flexibility to configure the information displayed in the tooltip, allowing them to present booking details for both specific time slots and full dates. It's a helpful feature for businesses with booking workflows that require displaying information about the users who've made the bookings or for similar neighborhood-based use cases.

You can customize this feature at the General Booking Settings page in "Tooltips in Days" section.

Booking Calendar - Display Customizable Booking Details in Tooltip

Explore many more great features in the Booking Calendar Business Medium version version on our full features list ->

This version includes all functionality from Booking Calendar Personal, Business Small, Business Medium versions.

Capacity and Availability: Manage Multiple Bookings per Full Dates or Timeslots

Take full control of your bookings with our advanced capacity management feature! Whether you manage hotels, meeting rooms, event spaces, or rentals, this feature allows you to easily set how many reservations your resource can handle. Easily define the maximum bookings for specific dates or time slots. Keep in mind that the capacity settings apply uniformly to all dates or time slots within the same calendar (booking resource). Enjoy the ultimate flexibility and precision in managing your bookings!

Configuration. Set capacity of booking resources at Booking > Resources page. You can read more info about configurations of booking resources, capacity and availability at this page.

Booking Calendar  Capacity - Multiple bookings per same date or timeslot

With the Capacity Engine, you can:
- Control the number of available rental items.
- Manage attendee numbers for your events.
- Ensure your hotel rooms are never overbooked.
- Guarantee your meeting rooms are never double-booked.

Search Availability

Your visitors can even search available booking resources (properties or services) for specific dates (like in this live demo).

Beside standard parameters: check in and check out dates, number of visitors, you can define additional parameters for your search form (for example, searching property with specific amenities).

You can read more about this configurations at FAQ.

Setup Search Availability in WP Booking Calendar

Configuration. Customize your search form and search results at Booking > Settings > Search page. After that you can insert search form shortcode into page and test.

Coupons for Discounts

You can provide discounts for bookings to your visitors. Your visitors can enter coupon codes in booking form to get discount for booking(s).

Its possible to create coupon code(s), which will apply to all or specific booking resources.
You can set expiration date of coupon code and minimum cost of booking, where this coupon code will apply.

You can define discount as fixed cost or as percentage from the total cost of booking.

Configuration. Create your coupons codes for discounts at Booking > Resources > Coupons page. Then insert coupon text field into your booking form at Booking > Settings > Form page.

Automatic cancellation of pending bookings

Activate automatic cancellation of pending bookings for specific date(s), if you approved booking on these date(s) at same booking resource.

You can activate this feature at the General Booking Settings page in "Advanced" section.

Explore many more great features in the Booking Calendar Business Large version version on our full features list ->

This version includes all functionality from Booking Calendar Personal, Business Small, Business Medium, Business Large versions.

Separate Booking Admin Panels for your Users

You can activate independent booking admin panels for each registered wordpress users of your website (withing one website).

Such users (owners) can see and manage only own bookings and booking resources.
Other active users (owners) will not see the bookings from this owner, they can see only own bookings.

Each owner can configure own booking form and own email templates, activate and configure payment gateways to own payment account.

Such users will receive notifications about new bookings to own emails and can approve or decline such bookings.

There are 2 types of the users: super booking admin and regular users.
Super booking admins can see and manage the bookings and booking resources from any users. Super booking admin can activate and manage status of other users.

You can read more about the initial configuration at FAQ.