moves to Automattic

News today that Automattic/we have acquired from Yahoo!. We approached Yahoo! a while ago to ask about their plans for and were able to structure a deal to take it over. We plan to maintain continuity for users. Matt has more details.

I don’t know if this is part of a larger trend of Yahoo! concentrating more on its core business, but I found Yahoo! to be refreshingly quick and focused to work with on this deal.


22 responses to “ moves to Automattic”

  1. This should be interesting! Gotta get more hardware than that 1 server though!

    1. It hasn't run on 1 server for a long long time. I need to update that page 🙂

      1. I'd be interested to see some details on the server setup. Clustering?

        I'm very interested in distributed computing these days!

  2. […] Toni has a few more thoughts. […]

  3. Congrats again guys; delighted to see find such a good home.

  4. […] Please subscribe to our News feed. Thanks for visiting!Yahoo Spins Off To Automattic: WordPress parent company Automattic has bought the pinging and blog trackback service from Yahoo. Sounds like a good deal for everyone involved, including Yahoo’s recent attempts at tearing down their “Wall of Shame” of failed products. Matt has more details and so does Toni. […]

  5. […] Toni has a few more thoughts. […]

  6. […] Personalmente creo que es un servicio demasiado de nicho como para que entre en una estrategia de Yahoo! donde hasta acaban de crear el Wall of Shame donde la nueva CEO pone los productos con los que no está contenta y busca ejecutivos que se hagan cargo… o los vende y rápido como dice Toni de Automattic […]

  7. […] and blog trackback service from Yahoo. Financial details weren’t disclosed, but Automattic CEO Toni Schneider said the deal-making process was “refreshingly quick.” Aside from feature upgrades, Automattic will make […]

  8. […] anyone else look at the ‘acquisition’ of and think of our old friend BrowseHappy, i.e. third party finds itself with domain it can’t […]

  9. […] to produce the early WordPress feature that reordered your blogroll based on update times. CEO Toni Schneider also blogged about the deal, saying Yahoo was “refreshingly quick” in doing the […]

  10. […] to produce the early WordPress feature that reordered your blogroll based on update times. CEO Toni Schneider also blogged about the deal, saying Yahoo was “refreshingly quick” in doing the […]

  11. […] to produce the early WordPress feature that reordered your blogroll based on update times. CEO Toni Schneider also blogged about the deal, saying Yahoo was “refreshingly quick” in doing the […]

  12. […] to produce the early WordPress feature that reordered your blogroll based on update times. CEO Toni Schneider also blogged about the deal, saying Yahoo was “refreshingly quick” in doing the […]

  13. […] to them and didn’t mention that it was sold to them by Yahoo Inc for an undisclosed amount. Toni at Automattic, also didn’t mention the price and has just said that they were able to structure a deal with […]

  14. […] Personalmente creo que es un servicio demasiado de nicho como para que entre en una estrategia de Yahoo! donde hasta acaban de crear el Wall of Shame donde la nueva CEO pone los productos con los que no está contenta y busca ejecutivos que se hagan cargo… o los vende y rápido como dice Toni de Automattic […]

  15. […] Automattic, the parent company of the WordPress publishing system, has worked out a deal with Yahoo to buy its almost defunct blog updating service You can read about it on Matt’s blog, and Toni’s blog. […]

  16. […] Yahoo Spins Off To Automattic: WordPress parent company Automattic has bought the pinging and blog trackback service from Yahoo. Sounds like a good deal for everyone involved, including Yahoo’s recent attempts at tearing down their “Wall of Shame” of failed products. Matt has more details and so does Toni. […]

  17. Aleady read and comented few months ago over MA.TT's blog however I want to ask any idea when it will be up and functionaling again? I check the news section but the latest update is on Apr 21st and it's not working yet.

  18. Congrats Automattic… WordPress is great tool – and it seems Automattic will also do a good job in making a HIT product

  19. […] blog trackback service from *Yahoo*. Financial details weren’t disclosed, but Automattic CEO Toni Schneider said the deal-making process was “refreshingly quick.” Aside from feature upgrades, […]

  20. […] you remember It was acquired by Automattic back in April of 2009 and it doesn’t appear, at least on the outside, that much […]

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