Le Monde moves to WordPress

Le Monde just relaunched their blogging services. Their several thousand blogs are now powered by WordPress (they used to be on TypePad). Lots of new WordPress blogs get created every day, but this installation is significant for a number of reasons. First off, Le Monde is the best known newspaper in France, they are highly respected and we are very happy to have them on our platform. They are also the first major WordPress MU (Multi-User) deployment since MU was officially released last week. In addition to MU, Le Monde is also using our Akismet service to keep spam off their blogs and they are the first licensee of the stats package we developed for WordPress.com.

Le Monde joins an impressive list of media publishers who have chosen WordPress as their blog publishing platform of choice, including the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, and many others.

PS: each Le Monde blog will have a powered by WordPress link that points to fr.wordpress.com, our emerging wordpress.com community for French bloggers.


37 responses to “Le Monde moves to WordPress”

  1. Fantastic! Awesome work by both the Automattic and Le Monde team members involved. "I love it when a plan comes together"

  2. Merveilleux!

  3. C'est bien, ca!

    When I went to the American College (now University) in Paris in 1975, I discovered the French love of good conversation and useful technology. Their choice of WordPress is a natural.

    They will benefit each other to the greater good of both…the baseline of all good blogs.

  4. Terrific!!

  5. Genial!

  6. This will give a bust to WordPress! Maybe Typepad will realise that their payed features are free with WordPress! Real bloggers use WordPress 🙂

  7. […] WordPress (I was here to meet someone else and dropped in to say hi). He says that Le Monde (France’s big newspaper) just moved 5,000 blogs over to WordPress. More details on Toni’s blog. Filed under: blogging @ 5:07 pm # […]

  8. […] The French newspaper Le Monde has moved all their blogs from Typepad to WordPress, if only I could read French. They’re using WordPress MU. « BloggingPro Interview […]

  9. […] French newspaper giant Le Monde has relaunched their blogging services based on WordPress. It must be the themes, that did the trick […]

  10. "fr.wordpress.com, our emerging wordpress.com community for French bloggers".

    I'm an active member of the french WP community, located at http://www.wordpress-fr.net . Could you tell me/us what the plans are for the fr subdomain ? Maybe we can work together ?

  11. Pierre Avatar

    Woohoo great news, congrats to the WordPress team!

    Take that, Loic Le Meur, in your face!

  12. […] This is great news for all Le Monde “bloggers” around the World. From now on they start using the WordPress platform, which is JUST THE BEST blog platform in the World! WELCOME to all of you! […]

  13. Awesome!

    Real bloggers use WordPress 😉

    Happy Halloween 🙂

  14. Ouch ! An ultra conservative staunch old world newpaper joining the Open Source party. There must be some mistake

  15. […] Den franske avis Le Monde flytter 5000 weblogs over p� wordpress. […]

  16. […] Gique! Et puis … 0 réaction Le Monde moves to WordPress « Toni’s Garage – je sais de quoi je parlerai demain au ParisCarnet 🙂 […]

  17. […] Parece que el lanzamiento de la versión 1.0 de WordPress MU empieza a dar sus frutos y Le Monde acaba de salir de Typepad para mover sus casi 5000 blogs a este CMS. […]

  18. Bertil Avatar

    Congrats, WordPress: this is a very good move towards quality blogging. And you convinced me in the same time (not a Le Monde user, but a WordPad-soon-to-be).

    Paul Elosegui,

    While Germany is wiki-maniac, France has been very much at the front-head of the blog revolution, thanks to Skyblogs (think MySpace, but in French) and that platform: however (left-wing) conservative, Le Monde and Libé(ration) have been through vey harsh time, and they tried many things to go through. In both cases, blogs were their best move so far.

    I don't thing being conservative is against blogging anyway: if you speak French, you can check out hautetfort.com, very much a right-wing platform: two most frequent tags? Sarkozy, the right-wing "libéral" (read: Thatcher), and Philippe de Villiers, a far-right, conservative, Christian leader.

  19. […] Le Monde moves to WordPress (tags: blogging wordpress lemonde) […]

  20. Good move indeed. Their previous platform was with way too susceptible to spam comments. I checked a couple of blogs tied to Le Monde and the link pointed to http://wordpres.org/ however.

  21. […] Wenn Printmedien Weblogs nutzen, verwenden sie oft WordPress, das zudem vor wenigen Tagen in einer finalen Multiuser-Version erschienen ist. Nun hat auch das renommierte franz�sische Blatt Le Monde von Typepad zu WordPress gewechselt. Dies ist dem Weblog Tonis Garage zu entnehmen. Mittwoch, 01.11.2006 | M�rkte, Tools | ster | Druckversion | […]

  22. […] Les blogs du quotidien viennent de passer sous WordPress, en lieu et place de Typepad. Une jolie victoire pour l’Open Source – et ça ne tue pas le business, puisque l’opération a été montée par Automattic, une vraie société qui fait du vrai argent avec WordPress. […]

  23. […] Toni’s Garage (in inglese) francia, le monde, repubblica.it, wordpress, wordpress mucategorie: Informatica, tecnologia, Internet, WordPress […]

  24. […] Y hoy, como para echar mas leña al fuero, el diario franés Le Monde decidió migrar todos sus blogs de TypePad, más de 5000 de ellos, para WordPress MU, un muy mal día para llamarse SixApart e increiblemente bueno llamarse Automattic. […]

  25. Xavier – did you get my email?

  26. It was about time that everybody saw the tech miracle that is wordpress

  27. […] Quand l’un des plus grands journaux français décide de quitter une entreprise commerciale (TypePad -1) pour collaborer avec un projet open-source, on se dit : tiens, il se passe quelque chose d’intéressant. Surtout lorsque le dit journal rejoint le New York Times, le Wall Street Journal ou Reuters (toujours en avance sur son temps 😉 dans cette belle aventure du logiciel libre. Et sur qui est donc tombé le dévolu du journal Le Monde ? WordPress ! (si je pouvais le chanter) Autant dire que ma partialité est toute relative, j’adore WordPress, pas un de mes blogs qui ne soient propulsés sans lui. Avec Firefox (fondation Mozilla), et d’autres, les logiciels libres, créés par une communauté d’utilisateurs, offrent une alternative de plus en plus crédible. Au point, comme ici, de prendre la place à TypePad (dont Loïc Le Meur est familier), l’une des plus grandes plateformes européennes pour les blogs (tout de même). […]

  28. This is really great news! It will definitely help when I try to convince clients and media that WPMU is a great choice for a blogging platform.

  29. Blogs du Monde sous WordPress multi-utilisateurs

    J’ai un train de retard (20 jours) et j’ai un peu honte, mais la nouvelle est assez importante à mes yeux pour que je la relaye tout de même: les blogs du Monde passent sous WordPress.

    Après une étude comparative du marché des plate-f…

  30. Pourqoi "le Monde" ne connecte pas avec les blogs qui sont déjàé sous Worpress ?

    De quoi j'me mêle….



  31. Hi,

    Since several days all "Le Monde" blogs are not accessible.

    Is there any problem? It's curious no one reported anything.

    Thanks for your input if you have any

  32. Au point, comme ici, de prendre la place à TypePad

  33. Excuse me, I dont understand! 🙁

  34. Pourqoi “le Monde” ne connecte pas avec les blogs qui sont déjàé sous Worpress ?

  35. In addition to the widespread use and acceptance of WordPress, maybe it also had a lot to do with the availability of over 100 already developed and tested Plug-In tools for WordPress.

  36. WordPress is the best

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