Shamanic Training with Loving Friends

Spirithealer Circle

Modern Shamanism | Ancient Wisdom

Shamanic Training with Carla Meeske & SpiritHealer Circle

Welcome animal lovers, spiritual explorers, wisdom seekers of joy!

We are a community of friends partnering with Compassionate Spirits to bring healing and harmony into the world.
– Shamanism for Animals
– Core Shamanic Healing Arts
– Cosmic Shamanism
– Esoteric Arts in the Dragon Village
– Siberian Old World Shamanism

Shamanic training is important. Partnering with your compassionate Spirits, you will become their bridge to bring healing and love to our sacred planet. We have no time to lose. Native Elders across the globe are stepping out to share the urgency – we must honor our sacred Earth, connect with our helping Spirits and remember our own beauty. SpiritHealer School offers a simple training program that will get you on your personal path. Fast. These skills are universal, and will support you no matter what traditions or ideologies you follow. Your Compassionate Spirit Guides are your wisdom keepers – you just need to learn how to partner with them, and how to follow their guidance. Bring wisdom and healing for yourself, your animals, your friends, your community and our whole sacred planet.

Start today ~ Beginner’s Path

SpiritHealer School’s shamanic training begins with a loving connection to a tree. Our memory intiates the journey. Opening our imagination to compassionate Spirits, Power Animals appear, and another reality unfolds, filled with healing and wonder. With simple practice you quickly develop a direct Spiritual connection with your compassionate Guides. They become your teachers, and as you grow in trust, they will give you validating experiences that will build your confidence and deliver healing results. 

Our Beginner’s Path is perfect for learning Shamanism quickly, and with the direct guidance of your Spirit Animals and Guides. SpiritHealer School’s shamanic training brings you onto the Shamanic Path fast!

Sacred Roots – Free!

A new way to learn to journey. Stepping in with your imagination you connect to a Sacred Tree and enter the Spirit World. For SpiritHealer, the tree is central to everything we do. Meet your Power Animal, in the security of your personal Sacred Nature Place.

Live and On Demand. The link explains it all.

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Power Animal Connection

FREE! Dance with your Power Animal and step into the magic. An invitation and an initiation. This simple class will delight you and show you a whole new way to get a workout (the NYT says that dancing your animal is the new exercise thing – but we knew that!!)

The link takes you to a recorded class, check events for a live class on zoom.

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3 Worlds: Introduction to Shamanism

Merging with your Sacred Tree and guided by your Power Animal you easily travel into the Upper and Lower worlds, and meet your Teachers there. Your imagination will expand and Spirit will show you amazing things. You will know it is true – because you will experience things that you simply could not make up! Step by step, you will become confident in your connection to Trusted Spirits. 3 part course will give you the in-depth experience you need to follow your Shamanic Path with SpiritHealer School.

What is Shamanism? – In its simplest form, shamanism is you forming a direct connection to your personal Spirit Guides to bring healing and wisdom into the world. Everyone has the birthright to do this. We are all native to Earth. All of use have loving ancestors, compassionate Spirit Animals and Guides, and loving nature Spirit helpers who want to bring healing to our sacred planet. Who want to help you be healthy, whole and a bridge to the solutions. Shamanism is not a religion. It is a method for connecting to the Compassionate Spirits who love us, and want to help us – today!

Bloom! with Mastery Circle, Advanced Courses and Intensive Programs

The secret is as ancient as mankind – through the cross cultural practices of shamanism we are able to step through the veil and engage with Compassion Spirits in extra-physical dimensions. Our imaginative faculties receive the information the Spirits seek to share, we just need to learn to stay focused and trust. And through persistence and training we become energetic bridges for these Spirits, allowing them to deliver miraculous healing through our intention. It’s our birthright as humans; every single person has shamanic traditions in their ancestral roots. 

Each of you is a sacred and unique voice, becoming part of the Spirit’s song to heal our planet and all the beauty on it. It is my honor to lead the choir. Carla

Welcome Home!

Once you learn to journey and have a relationship with your Power Animal and Spirit Teacher, you are set to go! Get a stronger foundation with our Shamanism for Animals Intensive, a 10 week class that teaches you all about the core skills in shamanic healing, while helping our animal companions. We are all animal lovers, and this is just our favorite thing! Mastery Circle Membership offers 3 sessions a month (at least) with teaching and exploration. In addition we offer specialty courses in working with the Cosmos, Siberian Shamanism, and Esoteric Healing practices that have been painstakingly taught to me by my Spirit Teachers. I share what they share, and we all benefit!

Shamanism for Animals Intensive Image

Shamanism for Animals Intensive

10 week intensive – 25 hours of training in a small dedicated circle

Modern Shamanism is the perfect bridge for connecting with animals, and empowering them to thrive. This course is both a training in core Shamanic Healing practices with animals as the subjects, and in Animal Communication. You will talk with the animals, and then work to fix the issues you find. Your Spirit Teachers will do healing work on the issues revealed, and they may offer advice to the humans as well. In 10 weeks you will grow so much confidence and Spiritual connection. Welcome home!

See the Events Calendar for the Fall 2024 Schedule

Mastery Circle Membership

Join a circle of friends, working together with Spirit and supporting each other on this amazing path. Gatherings every week for deepening your connection to Spirit, and to practice your Shamanic arts. Reviews of core lessons, and exploration into new areas with animal healing and the Dragon Village. Supporting animals. Healing yourself. Helping your friends. Being part of something wonderful. This is who we are. Join us!

In the Dragon Village, Spirits teach us esoteric knowledge that we bring into form again. We become the conduits of their efforts to support the planet, help the people and animals, and restore beauty and harmony. 

In Healing Arts Circle we hone the core shamanic healing techniques, for ourselves, our animals and our communities.

Cosmic Shamanism

Carla’s teacher and mentor, Claude Poncelet, set her on a Cosmic Exploration that has changed everything! Journeying to the Spirits of the Cosmos with a modern cosmology perspective opens doors to Spirits and lessons beyond our ancestor’s worlds. We are the new explorers! Carla’s mission for life is to merge modern shamanism with the wonders of earth and sky, to bring out the shamanic naturalist in us, and give our lives beauty, grace and Purpose!

Siberian Shamanism with Joanna


Siberian and Eastern European Shamanism with Joanna. Ceremonies and classes that teach old traditions in new powerful ways. Deep healing for yourself, and the skills to transform the lives of your clients, animal and human.

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Your Lead Human Guide

Meet Carla

Carla is a well known shamanic healer, and has been offering shamanic healing services to animals and their caregivers for over 30 years.  She connects with compassionate spirits to relieve physical, emotional and behavioral problems. SpiritHealer School of Shamanism offers the definitive program for Shamanic Healing for Animals, with over 75 certified graduates worldwide. Carla uses core shamanic techniques, with a strong Celtic influence, and her courses cover all core subjects in modern shamanism:  Soul retrieval, illness extraction, clearing entities, power infusion, and more. Plus she and her advanced practitioners have brought large bodies of work back from Spirit and into our practice, like Ancestral Healing, Soul Cottages, Soul Gardening, Cosmic Eggs, Ecosystem Mirrored Healing, Dragons and Dragon Mastery. We are actively recovering the lost knowledge that our Sacred Teachers want us to share.

  • Pioneer who developed shamanic animal communication, and brought shamanic healing to animals 30 years ago
  • Passionate about Spiritual healing – bridging the energetic connection between the Spirits and you
  • Superb teacher, who creates magic for her students and guides people to their full potential

Healing Sessions with Carla

Healing Sessions

Shamanic healing is the wind in the sails bringing you and your animals into wholeness. The compassionate spirits help us overcome the challenges in our lives. In addition to doing deep healing work on all levels, Carla reconnects you to your own compassionate spirits who will continue helping you long after the session has finished. 

Personal sessions can be over the phone or in person. Animal sessions are usually over the phone. Carla speaks out loud to share all the details of the session with you, as it is happening. You are part of the journey, and you may experience more that Carla even sees. The Spirits offer advice, look into your soul, heal you from the roots! It is profound, and can be life changing. The recording will let you review the session later, because there is usually so much information it is hard to remember it all. 

Many of us are working with every tool we have. Shamanic healing supports other modalities, including western medicine. When we ask the compassionate spirits to help us, they help on all levels.

Fast and Focused sessions are for single issues where we can work fast. Full sessions allow us to get into the depth of the situation, and give the Spirit time to address multiple layers. If you or your animal needs soul retrieval, unwinding of old cords, or other more involved work, please order a full session. 

When you order your session we will work together to set the best intentions for your healing journey. Scroll down to learn how sessions flow and what you can expect.

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