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Roof Damage: What to Look For

Spotting a damaged roof sounds easy enough. Chipped shingles? Decaying gutters? Leaning chimneys? Seems pretty easy to spot, right? Maybe the obvious ones, but what about water-logging and termites? These invisible damages can be hard to find, especially when you don’t know what your looking for. Even worse, these types of damage only show visible signs when it’s already too late.

Nobody wants a leaky ceiling. So in this article, we are going to show you ways to spot a damaged roof early on!

Inspect Outdoors

One of the first things you need to do when you suspect your roof may be damaged is to inspect outside. Look for cracked shingles, worn out gutters, cracks, tears, patches, any of the kind. If you catch them early enough, that’s good. You just saved yourself a whole lot of money in the long run. Get those cracked and torn shingles replaced.

Don’t Forget Indoors

Leaks are highly destructive. Check your attic for any signs of damage as regularly as you can. Discoloration, cracks, and peeling paint are all signs of interior damage. These can help you narrow down where your roof might be compromised.

Check Your Amenities

Skylights, Chimneys, and ventilation can also cause major roof damage if gone unchecked. A leaning, loose, or torn chimney needs to be addressed immediately. If you have skylights, check if they’re loose or cracked. It’s nice to see the rain fall from inside the house, but not when your skylight gives it free passage into your house.

Ventilation and Temperature

Have you ever had fluctuating temperatures in your home when you could have sworn you just got your air conditioner/heater fixed? Well, the likely culprit might be your roof. Your roof is an important factor in maintaining the temperature of your home. Double check your air conditioner or heater first, but if you’re certain they’re working just fine, it’s time to hire a contractor.

Water-logging Signs

No matter how good a contractor’s roof installation services are, rain will find a way to waterlog your roof. Water-logging is when water gets inside your roof–not the house, but inside the roof, which can really do damage to its structure. There’s plenty of subtle giveaways you need to look for to spot a waterlogged roof, such as:



-ceiling damage

-roof cracking

-rotting wood

-bowing walls

Should you find any of these signs, it might be best to call a professional to check it out. Just to be sure.

Termite Infestation

Termites are one of the most destructive pests that can live in your home, and it’s definitely a detriment to your roof. The thing is, they like to stay out of sight, and can be quite difficult to spot until it’s too late. The symptoms of a termite-infested roof are:

-Loose shingles

-Ceiling bubbles


-Exposed termite tunnels (looks like mud tubes running across your ceiling)

-“Eaten” wood

-Presence of wings

Termites will cost you a fortune if left to their own devices. So if you spot a combination of ANY of these symptoms, it’s time to call a roofing contractor for further instructions.

Scheduling Checkups

It’s been mentioned time and again throughout this article, and with good reason. It’s easy to miss the early signs of a damaged roof, and we don’t blame you. You know who doesn’t miss the early signs of a damaged roof? Competent roofers. Scheduling regular checkups with a roofing company may seem expensive, but trust us: it will save you A LOT of money in the long run. This way, you’re 100% certain a huge roof crisis will never occur. Not as long as you’re working with a trusted roofing contractor. They will take care of those damages at the bud before it can get a chance to become a problem.  

Whether it’s roof installation, roof repair, or spotting damage before they turn into a crisis, you’ll never have to worry about the well-being of your roof ever again. So if you ever suspect something’s wrong with your roof, remember to find a reputable roofing contractor.

Tree Removal Guide: Pro Tips

Trees serve a lot of purposes. They help clean the environment, provide cooler temperatures, prevent floods, and even provide aesthetics to the landscape! Especially in the modern world, where pollution runs rampant, people are encouraged to plant trees, whether in residential homes or commercial establishments.
However, there are some specific instances where you need to cut down the tree in your landscape. Perhaps the tree is infected, or it becomes a safety hazard in your area, tree removal is a big and tedious task. This is dangerous if you do it alone, or if you have no experience in removing trees at all. You might even get injured in the process! To prevent that, you should hire a local tree company for a tree removal service, where professionals will gladly assist you with your tree-related needs!
In fact, here are some of the reasons why you should hire a tree company for your tree removal service:

These Professionals are Trained for the Job
Have you ever tried cutting down a tree? If not, then you’re not alone, and there’s no need to worry about it! Instead of taking a crash-course on tree removal, why not hire professionals to handle the job? After all, they have been doing this type of job for years, and they are trained with the proper protocol to ensure safe and proper tree removal. It’s a win-win situation for everyone!

They Have the Right Tools and Equipment
Tree removal is no small task, and it requires special tools and modern equipment to ensure safety for everyone. These equipment don’t come cheap, so it’s not really a good investment for you to buy these for only a one-time use, right? So instead, hiring a tree removal service would save you more money, because these companies already have their own special equipment!

Tree Removal is Safer, Faster, and More Efficient
Do you have a busy schedule, and you want the tree to be removed as soon as possible? If your answer is yes, then you should hire a tree removal service from your nearest tree company. With professionally trained experts and the right tools for the job, you can ensure that your tree will be removed quickly and safely, without even much of a safety hazard for the people around you. That way, you can return to your normal life as soon as possible, and even plant a new tree as a replacement for the old one!

Tree Removal Columbia

The Other Trees and Plants Will Be Healthier
One of the reasons why people hire a tree removal service is because that tree has already been infected with a disease, which could spread to the other plants around it. If the tree removal process was done by a person with little experience on the job, then you might end up spreading the disease to the other plants around it. Yikes! However, with professional tree companies, they know exactly how to remove the tree depending on the disease, and how to prevent the said disease from further spreading, which is important if you own a garden or an orchard.

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