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2023 Wrapped for Podcasters is here. Get to know your realest fans.

Put your 2023 Wrapped for Podcasters to work

November 29, 2023
Your 2023 Spotify Wrapped results are in. Here’s how your unique insights can unlock growth in 2024 and beyond.
Lenny Rachitsky smiling next to his podcast logo which depicts a microphone on fire

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2023 was a puzzling time. Between alien cover-ups and uncanny AI renderings, the concept of reality became fuzzy. But the newest edition of Wrapped for Podcasters made one thing clear: there’s nothing fake about how much your fans love your show.

This year more than ever, listeners turned to their favorite podcasts for comfort, inspiration, and connection. 2023 Wrapped for Podcasters is a celebration of your successes as a creator and the bonds you developed with your fans. But it’s also a chance to set yourself up for success  in 2024. 

From their favorite podcast genres to how fans share your show, these insights (along with your podcast analytics) can give you clear, actionable ways to keep growing your show.  

Ready? Let’s unpack the insights.

If you haven’t seen your Wrapped for Podcasters yet, you can check it out here.

Use your top episode as a blueprint for growth

Your most listened-to episode is the crème de la crème, the highlight of your show in 2023. Understanding why it was such a hit can inform your future content and help you replicate the same level of success with upcoming episodes.

But first, make sure your newest listeners are introduced to your top episode. Use the “Best place to start” profile customization feature to make a good impression right out of the gate.

Next, dissect what made this episode so alluring to the audience and compare it to the rest of your content. For example: 

  • Format: How was this episode structured? Was it a more relaxed, conversational style versus a formal interview, or vice-versa?
  • Guests: Did featuring a particular guest, known for their expertise or charisma, draw more listeners? 
  • Topic: Perhaps the subject matter was trending, thought-provoking, or deeply relatable, prompting higher engagement. 
  • Promotion: Did you experiment with new channels or intensify your marketing efforts for this episode?

Reverse-engineering the episode’s success formula is your secret to consistently delivering content your fans love.

Maximize engagement by investing in your top listening countries

Now that you have a better understanding of where your top listeners are located and where you’re seeing more growth, make that information work in your favor by investing in those regions.

Study up on current events or cultural moments in your top countries and see if they could pair well with the content you’re serving up. Say a major portion of your listeners are from France. You could cover events like the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics or dive into the intricacies of French cuisine and wine culture.

Then, invest in a strategic marketing plan for those geographic regions. Start by exploring what social media platforms are the most popular and what marketing channels resonate with your listeners, and focus promotion efforts there. You can also partner with local influencers or podcasters for shoutouts and collaborations, or tap into country-specific podcast distribution platforms to increase your visibility within the region.

Explore new content lanes with audience genre preferences

Your listeners have diverse tastes. Exploring their favorite podcast genres can open doors to innovative content strategies (we’ve included some examples below) that help your podcast remain fresh, relevant, and in tune with their preferences.

Think about inviting guests who can introduce a flavor of other genres that your fans love, while staying relevant to your core subject. If you run a technology podcast and notice that a significant portion of your audience also loves true crime, invite a cybersecurity expert to discuss real-life hacking mysteries or digital forensics. 

You can also use these top genres to inform the "Host recommendations" section of your show page. If your listeners love comedy, curate a playlist of your favorite episodes from several comedy podcasts. If your guests have their own podcast, use this feature to share it with your fans, or cross-promote with creators whose audience loves your genre (and vice-versa).

2023 Wrapped for Podcasters also provides insights into your fans’ favorite music genres. So why not combine the best of both Spotify worlds—podcasts and music? You could incorporate some of your audience's favorite tracks (ensuring you have the legal rights) as part of your podcast intro or outro.

Amplify your show’s reach with top-performing social channels

2023 Wrapped for Podcasters provides insights on the social media platforms that fans use most often to share their favorite shows. This information helps you identify the channels to double down on when strategizing your podcast marketing:

  • If your podcast is buzzing on Instagram, leverage Stories for time-sensitive updates or behind-the-scenes looks, and convert the best ones into Highlights for long-term visibility.
  • If your audience loves sharing your content on X (formerly known as Twitter), frame your episode's key takeaways as engaging and informative threads.
  • Are you gaining traction on LinkedIn? Share episode learnings or key points with your followers and participate in groups related to your niche.
  • Does your content shine on Facebook? Consider starting a group for your podcast fans to discuss episodes, share feedback, and build a community.

Remember: Podcast promotion isn’t just about being present on social media, but amplifying your voice where your audience is most engaged.

Engage with fans intimately to build a passionate community

Update July 9th, 2024: We have evolved our Q&A feature referenced in this piece to comments. Click here to learn more.

Your show is a top 10, top 5, and maybe even top 1 podcast for fans, a testament to the relationships you built. But there's always room to improve, understand their expectations better, and create content that resonates on a personal level.

Audiences are eager for opportunities to engage with their favorite creators. Take advantage of Spotify’s Q&As and polls to connect with fans and get to know them in a deeper way. Ask about an episode they remember fondly, the topics they’d love you to cover, or their dream guest. Publish their responses and read them aloud during episodes to make fans feel heard and validated (and encourage them to keep participating). 

These hardcore fans are your ticket to continuous growth. Recommendations from friends and family are the top way people discover new podcasts, so turn your listeners into advocates. Encourage them to spread the word about your show during your episodes or when you post on social media.

Add a new dimension to your show with video episodes

Your video podcast is a goldmine of promotional content. Use clips from the most relatable, hilarious, or touching moments to create buzz for your show on TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube. And if you don’t have a podcast trailer yet, use your best video snippets to create one and make a great first impression. 

Viewers who stick around to the end of your episodes are truly invested in your show (pro tip: you can see retention stats in your podcast analytics). Channel this engagement into a productive action with meaningful CTAs, like "Loved this discussion? Share it with a friend who'd appreciate it!" or "Stay updated on more deep dives like this one – follow us on Instagram and Spotify!" 

And when it comes to launching video episodes, don't sleep on timing. Our 2023 Fan Study revealed that audiences prefer to kick back and relax with video podcasts in the evenings. To get as many eyes as possible on your show, promote your video episodes on social media before the evening rolls around. 

If you didn’t get this Wrapped for Podcasters story, consider tapping into the vibrant world of video podcasts. You can connect with your fans in a fresh, new way and reach audiences that enjoy a side of video with their podcasts.

Share the love and set the stage for an unforgettable year

Wrapped for Podcasters is a highlight reel of your creator journey, and none of it would be possible without your realest fans. So go ahead and thank them for a great year. You can:

  • Share your results through the custom-generated cards located at the end of your Wrapped.
  • Pick your favorite moment of the year (or two, or three!) and share it on social as a short video or photo carousel.
  • Reply to as many fans in the comments or mentions as possible — every positive engagement counts.

And this is only the beginning. If you pay close attention to what the insights tell you, your podcast has the potential to grow leaps and bounds next year.

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