�������    >>    mandel3
 Mandlebrot Set Fractal Curves  Unknown 21.09.92

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This program generates the Mandlebrot set fractal curves. It is taken from Roger T. Stevens book: FRACTAL Programming in Turbo Pascal. The program is coded to be displayed on an EGA monitor at 640 x 200 resolution.


  program mandel; { This program generates the Mandlebrot set fractal curves. It is taken from Roger T. Stevens book: FRACTAL Programming in Turbo Pascal. This is the best book to buy if you are interested in or studying fractal curves and chaos. The below program is coded to be displayed on an EGA monitor at 640 x 200 resolution. Simple modifications can be made to display the set on a higher resolution. Using anything below an EGA display will NOT produce the spectacular effects as do the EGA and higher modes. EGADrive is a unit I wrote to link in the EGAVGA.BGI screen routines at compile time. Notice how you don't need to specify the BGI path in the call to InitGraph. To make the program run faster on slower machines, but sacrificing detail, change the max_iterations constant to something lower. Therefore, the lesser the iterations, the less detailed the curves, and vice versa. } uses CRT, Graph; const maxcol = 640; maxrow = 200; max_colors = 16; max_iterations = 512; max_size = 4; var Q : array[0..349] of real; XMax,YMax,XMin,YMin : real; P,deltaP,deltaQ,X,Y,Xsquare,Ysquare : real; i,color,row,col,GraphDriver,GraphMode : integer; ch : char; begin XMax := 1.2; XMin := -2.0; YMax := 1.2; YMin :=-1.2; GraphDriver := EGA; GraphMode := EGALo; InitGraph(GraphDriver,GraphMode,''); deltaP := (XMax - XMin)/(maxcol); deltaQ := (YMax - Ymin)/(maxrow); Q[0] := YMax; for row := 1 to maxrow do Q[row] := Q[row-1] - deltaQ; P := XMin; for col := 0 to maxcol do begin if Keypressed then exit; for row := 0 to maxrow do begin X := 0.0; Y := 0.0; Xsquare := 0.0; Ysquare := 0.0; color := 1; repeat { this is the "meat" } Xsquare := X*X; Ysquare := Y*Y; Y := 2*X*Y + Q[row]; X := Xsquare - Ysquare + P; inc(color); until (color>=max_iterations) OR (Xsquare + Ysquare >= max_size); PutPixel(col,row,(color MOD max_colors)); end; P := P + deltaP; end; ch := ReadKey; end.