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1. Kawaii – A Keychain-Sized Nintendo Wii (bitbuilt.net)
368 points by realslimjd 5 hours ago | hide | 116 comments
2. Timeshift: System Restore Tool for Linux (github.com/linuxmint)
83 points by gballan 3 hours ago | hide | 42 comments
3. Copying is the way design works (matthewstrom.com)
257 points by innerzeal 5 hours ago | hide | 85 comments
4. The Elegance of the ASCII Table (danq.me)
43 points by thewub 2 hours ago | hide | 9 comments
5. Scientists discover a new hormone that can build strong bones (ucsf.edu)
284 points by gmays 8 hours ago | hide | 100 comments
6. July 2024 Update on Instability Reports on Intel Core 13th/14th Gen Desktop CPUs (intel.com)
106 points by acrispino 3 hours ago | hide | 58 comments
7. What Is Entropy? (johncarlosbaez.wordpress.com)
131 points by ainoobler 6 hours ago | hide | 70 comments
8. Maestro: Netflix's Workflow Orchestrator (netflixtechblog.com)
159 points by vquemener 6 hours ago | hide | 74 comments
9. All Golioth Hardware Is Now Open Source (golioth.io)
42 points by hasheddan 3 hours ago | hide | 5 comments
10. Audapolis: Edit audio files by transcript, not waveform (github.com/bugbakery)
184 points by mavsman 8 hours ago | hide | 43 comments
11. Netflix has open-sourced its Maestro Workflow Orchestrator (github.com/netflix)
124 points by kaypee901 6 hours ago | hide | 25 comments
12. Unconditional Cash Study: first findings available (openresearchlab.org)
93 points by dbroockman 7 hours ago | hide | 260 comments
13. What Would You Do with a 16.8M Core Graph Processing Beast? (nextplatform.com)
10 points by rbanffy 2 hours ago | hide | 3 comments
14. Reflections on Luck and Skill from the Part Time Poker Grind (thehobbyist.substack.com)
45 points by jjxw 5 hours ago | hide | 21 comments
15. A Formulation of the Trilemma in Proof of Work Blockchain (ieee.org)
41 points by bikenaga 7 hours ago | hide | 3 comments
16. Another intermediate-mass black hole discovered at the centre of our galaxy (uni-koeln.de)
41 points by croes 7 hours ago | hide | 3 comments
17. Planck stars, White Holes, Remnants and Planck-mass quasi-particles (arxiv.org)
32 points by ngrilly 4 hours ago | hide | 13 comments
18. Show HN: OpenDataCapture an electronic data capture platform for data collection (github.com/douglasneuroinformatics)
44 points by gdevenyi 7 hours ago | hide | 11 comments
19. Show HN: A source-available billing system I've spent 18 months building (billabear.com)
209 points by that_guy_iain 16 hours ago | hide | 109 comments
20. A Man Who Thought Too Fast (2020) (newyorker.com)
57 points by Anon84 6 hours ago | hide | 25 comments
21. Glasgow 2024 Hugo Awards Statement – 22 July, 2024 (glasgow2024.org)
64 points by choult 3 hours ago | hide | 57 comments
22. Roame (YC S23) Is Hiring (ycombinator.com)
7 hours ago | hide
23. Imperfect, Linux-powered, DIY smart TV is the embodiment of ad fatigue (arstechnica.com)
19 points by nobody9999 1 hour ago | hide | 13 comments
24. United States Discloses Nuclear Warhead Numbers; Restores Nuclear Transparency (fas.org)
64 points by philipkglass 2 hours ago | hide | 59 comments
25. The love letter generator created by Alan Turing and Christopher Strachey (bigthink.com)
26 points by samclemens 5 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
26. No More Blue Fridays (brendangregg.com)
379 points by moreati 12 hours ago | hide | 225 comments
27. Wide angle lens distortion correction from lines (srcf.net)
150 points by hugohadfield 18 hours ago | hide | 54 comments
28. Lessons from a Private Equity Earn Out: How I Lost £550K Due to a Lowercase 'C' (entrepreneur.com)
49 points by seasicksteve 4 hours ago | hide | 29 comments
29. Arm's Neoverse V2, in AWS's Graviton 4 (chipsandcheese.com)
11 points by gautamcgoel 1 hour ago | hide | 1 comment
30. Oxygen discovery defies knowledge of the deep ocean (bbc.co.uk)
123 points by cmsefton 7 hours ago | hide | 43 comments

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