U.S. DOE Save Energy Now

From Open Energy Information

Logo: Save Energy Now Initiative Resources
Save Energy Now is a U.S. Department of Energy Program partnering with US National labs is to reduce industrial energy intensity by at least 25% over a period of 10 years.

Save Energy Now is a U.S. Department of Energy Program partnering with US National labs is to reduce industrial energy intensity by at least 25% over a period of 10 years. Many of the Program's best practice resources, software and interactive tools could be useful for developing and implementing similar programs internationally.[1]

BestPractices, under the DOE Industrial Technologies Program, works with U.S. industry to implement energy management practices in industrial plants. To meet the diverse needs of U.S. industry, BestPractices provides a number of resources for corporate executives, plant managers, technical staff, and the general public.[1]


Best Practices Publications

Software Tools

Webcasts for Industry

ORNL Industrial Technologies Program - Technology Delivery Factsheet


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Save Energy Now