Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls
Bust of gray fox Retired Staff
"Training? Goodness me, I'm retired! I'm afraid combat doesn't interest me any more." ―Pranal

This user is a retired staff member on TESWiki. After serving their time protecting the wiki from trouble and guiding newer members, Amulet of Kings has since stepped down from their former role and is hoping the Dark Brotherhood doesn't come after them during their retirement. You can message them on their talk page here if you need something, though they may not respond.

Hi, I'm Amulet of Kings. I used to be a forum moderator and News Team member. If you need any help, leave a message in my talkpage, but don't expect me to instantly answer.


I started adding missing information about The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard, An Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire, An Elder Scrolls Novel: The Infernal City and An Elder Scrolls Novel: Lord of Souls some time ago. If you think something is missing warn me or add it yourself.

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Poachers axe
Matrix Screen This TESWikian edits in Source Mode.
Grammar Nazi This TESWikian is a Grammar Nazi.
Guild miscellaneous blades This TESWikian is a member of the Blades.
Breton This TESWikian plays as a Breton in
The Elder Scrolls Online.
The Infernal City cover This TESWikian is an expert on The Infernal City.
Lord of Souls cover This TESWikian is an expert on Lord of Souls.
RedguardLogo This TESWikian is knowledgeable about Redguard.
Noble Robes This TESWikian has won a raffle on
The Elder Scrolls Wiki!