
A service of the
International Union of Crystallography

checkCIF reports on the consistency and integrity of crystal structure determinations reported in CIF format.

Please upload your CIF using the form below. [Help]

This version of checkCIF includes checks on:

  • CIF syntax and construction
  • Cell and geometry details
  • Space-group symmetry
  • Anisotropic displacement parameters
  • Structure factors

Useful links

Prepublication check for submissions to IUCr journals
Details of checkCIF/PLATON tests
CIF dictionary
Download CIF editor (publCIF) from the IUCr
Download CIF editor (enCIFer) from the CCDC

checkCIF is
sponsored by

[IUCr Journals]

[Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre]

[American Chemical Society]




[Royal Society of Chemistry]

[Chemical Society of Japan]
