Sun Jul 28 2024 11:53:22 UTC
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17 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
12793 Koha Architec gmcharlt NEW --- Breaking up IndependentBranches syspref to support finer staff permissions granularity 2021-06-30
2244 Koha Staff in koha-bugs NEW --- RFID Cataloguing - Programming RFID tags from Koha 2024-05-13
5388 Koha Circulat mjr NEW --- Circulation of related/requiring items (like Book and CD sets) 2023-01-07
3069 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Add configuration to deactivate auto-updating the reservoir via Z39.50 2023-10-07
15499 Koha Catalogi gmcharlt NEW --- Show item count on Z39.50 results 2016-01-06
9234 Koha Searchin jcamins NEW --- [Omnibus] Koha's search code needs to be rewritten 2023-07-28
16611 Koha Circulat koha-bugs NEW --- Item Checkout from Holdings Tab 2016-12-28
21551 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Automatically update guarantee when updating guarantor 2024-05-10
23705 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Add a syspref to enable record locking, so that when one record is opened to be edited, it's read only for other users 2024-05-10
25916 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Create UI to modify and track changes to budget and fund amounts 2024-05-10
25918 Koha Acquisit koha-bugs NEW --- Add budget/fund modification history 2024-05-10
28888 Koha Tools koha-bugs NEW --- Add option for field to include with tool 2024-05-10
30696 Koha Patrons koha-bugs NEW --- Customized Templates for Patron Setup by Branch 2024-05-10
35359 Koha Catalogi koha-bugs NEW --- Granular Cataloging permissions 2024-05-10
6605 Koha Patrons koha.sekjal NEW --- Store Patron Reading History separate from issues/old_issues 2019-05-20
5387 Koha Acquisit mjr ASSIGNED --- Support for NISO CORE: Cost of Resource Exchange Protocol 2014-04-25
14645 Koha Architec tomascohen ASSIGNED --- Koha::RecordProcessor should deal with Koha::MetadataRecord objects 2016-06-06
17 bugs found.

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