Using ES6 modules for progressive enhancement | Blog | Decade City

It looks like modules could be a great way to serve modern JavaScript to modern browsers, and serve polyfills or older code to older browsers.

Using ES6 modules for progressive enhancement | Blog | Decade City

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Related links

Futuristic Progressive Enhancement - Jim Nielsen’s Blog

We’re all tired of: write some code, come back to it in six months, try to make it do more, and find the whole project is broken until you upgrade everything.

Progressive enhancement allows you to do the opposite: write some code, come back to it in six months, and it’s doing more than the day you wrote it!

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But what about the shadow DOM? | Go Make Things

So many of the problems and challenges of working with Web Components just fall away when you ditch the shadow DOM and use them as a light wrapper for progressive enhancement.

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Web Components from early 2024 · Chris Burnell

Some lovely HTML web components—perfect for progressive enhancement!

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A microdata enhanced HTML Webcomponent for Leaflet | k-nut — Blog

Here’s a nice HTML web component that uses structured data in the markup to populate a Leaflet map.

Personally I’d probably use microformats rather than microdata, but the princple is the same: progressive enhancement from plain old HTML to an interactive map.

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daviddarnes/play-button: A Web Component to play audio or video with a button

Isn’t this a lovely little HTML web component? All it does is hook up a button element with an audio or video element: exactly the kind of discrete drudge work that’s good to automate away.

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