Rotten Apple

The European Union’s Digital Markets Act is being enforced and Apple aren’t happy about it.

Most of the discussion around this topic has centred on the requirement for Apple to provision alternative app stores. I don’t really care about that because I don’t really care about native apps. With one exception: I care about web browsers.

That’s the other part of the DMA that’s being enforced: Apple finally have to allow alternative browsing engines. Hallelujah!

Instead of graciously acknowledging that this is what’s best for users, Apple are throwing a tantrum.

First of all, they’re going to ringfence any compliance to users in the European Union. Expect some very interesting edge cases to emerge in a world where people don’t spent their entire lives in one country.

Secondly, Apple keep insisting that this will be very, very bad for security. You can read Apple’s announcement on being forced to comply but as you do you so, I’d like you to remember one thing: every nightmare scenario they describe for the security of users in the EU is exactly what currently happens on Macs everywhere in the world.

This includes risks from installing software from unknown developers that are not subject to the Apple Developer Program requirements, installing software that compromises system integrity with malware or other malicious code, the distribution of pirated software, exposure to illicit, objectionable, and harmful content due to lower content and moderation standards, and increased risks of scams, fraud, and abuse.

Users of macOS everywhere are currently exposed to all the risks that will supposedly overwhelm iOS users in the European Union. Weirdly, the sky hasn’t fallen.

It’s the same with web browsers. I just got a new Mac. It came with one browser pre-installed: Safari. It’s a good browser. But I also have the option of installing another browser, like Firefox (which I’ve done). A lot of people just use Safari. That’s good. That’s choice. Everyone wins.

Now Apple need to provide parity on iOS, at least for users in the EU. Again, Apple are decribing this coming scenario as an absolute security nightmare. But again, the conditions they’re describing are what already exist on macOS.

All Apple is being asked to do is offer than the same level of choice on mobile that everyone already enjoys on their computers. Rather than comply reasonably, Apple have found a way to throw their toys out of the pram.

As of the next update to iOS, users in the EU will no longer have homescreen apps. Those web apps will now launch in a browser window. Presumably they’ll also lose the ability to send push notifications: being a homescreen app was a prerequisite for that functionality.

This is a huge regression that only serves to harm and confuse users.

I have a website about traditional Irish music. Guess where a significant amount of the audience is based? That’s right: Ireland. In the European Union.

There is no native app for The Session, but you can install it on your phone nonetheless. Lots of people have done that. After a while they forget that they didn’t install it from an app store: it behaves just like any other app on their homescreen.

That’s all about to change. I’m going to get a lot of emails from confused users wondering why their app is broken, now opening in a regular browser window. And I won’t be able to do anything about it, other than to tell them to take it up with Apple.

Presumably Apple is hoping that users will direct their anger at the EU commission instead. They’re doing their best to claim that they’re being forced to make this change. That’s completely untrue. A lie:

This is emphatically not required by the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA). It’s a circumvention of both the spirit and the letter of the Act, and if the EU allows it, then the DMA will have failed in its aim to allow fair and effective browser and web app competition.

Throughout all their communications on this topic, Apple are sticking to their abuser logic:

Look what you made me do!

This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you.

Apple’s petulant policy of malicious compliance is extremely maddening. What they’re about to do to users in the EU is just nasty.

This is a very dark time for the web.

I feel bad for the Safari team. They’ve been working really hard recently to make Safari a very competitive browser with great standards support with a quicker release cycle than we’ve seen before. Then it all gets completely torpedoed at the level of the operating system.

I really hope that Apple won’t get away with their plan to burn down web apps on iOS in the EU. But hope isn’t enough. We need to tell the EU commission how much damage this will do.

If you’ve ever built a web app, then your users will suffer. Remember, it’s a world wide web, including the European Union.

Create a PDF with the following information:

  • Your company’s name.
  • Your name.
  • That your company operates or services the EU.
  • How many users your service has in the EU (approximately).
  • The level of impact this will have on your business.
  • The problems this will cause your business.
  • Whether or not the submission is confidential.

The submission can be as short or long as you want. Send it to, ideally before Monday, February 19th.

I know that’s a lot to ask of you on your weekend, but this really matters for the future of the web.

At the very least, I encourage to get involved with the great work being done by the Open Web Advocacy group. They’re also on Discord.

Please don’t let Apple bully an entire continent of users.


Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo

@adactio every web developer should take notice of how Apple is willing to break and remove existing features to keep the control of the money and force everyone to use native apps that they can control.They just have shown that their participation in Interop is a farce, they have been vetoing APIs that would rise the web to a new level and now they remove the ability to install pwa and use the push notifications that they implemented last year.

Magnus Ahltorp

@baldur The most probable reason for this is that home screen apps are subject to the same web engine choice, and Apple did not (yet?) design a system where the user can use any web engine for the home screen apps. It would be a non-zero effort that would at least include determining whether the engine could handle those apps. If Apple thinks home screen apps are worth less than the cost of prioritising that work, isn’t it a natural decision?

Antonio Bueno

@adactio iOS will look even more broken when the same web app works in iPads (“iPadOS”, ha!) but not in iPhones 🙄

Mark Conroy

@robb @adactio

“some very interesting edge cases to emerge in a world where people don’t spent their entire lives in one country.”

E.G. someone living in Northern Ireland but working in the republic. Or someone with a farm that straddles the border.

# Posted by Mark Conroy on Sunday, February 18th, 2024 at 12:42pm

Dominik Schwind

Hello internet friends,

I just had a nice little walk in the forest and for a moment I was wondering if I should just stay there. But then I started to want some coffee and the plan went right out of the window.I did touch some grass though and that’s why I won’t yell about the whole ActivityPub bridge kerfuffle (Roy Tang said it much better than I could so anyway) or the fact that Apple is messing with my PWAs. (I’ll let Jeremy Keith do that.)

Let’s look at apes instead. They’re basically the same as us anyway: Juvenile great apes love to tease and annoy their elders, study finds.

Meanwhile chatbots aren’t like us. Well, they are like us in the way that we also sometimes give out wrong information because we don’t know any better and then the company we work for tries to blame us as a separate legal entity instead of looking at their internal processes.

This week I was hanging out with the boys and I took a couple of photos and that was all very nice. But now I don’t know what to do with these photos. Put them on Flickr? Lol.

Anyway, enough for this week. Time to hang out on the couch and look at camper vans that I’m not going to buy.

Take care! Toodles!


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Web Apps on macOS Sonoma 14 Beta

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Let websites framebust out of native apps |

Adrian brings an excellent historical perspective to the horrifying behaviour of Facebook’s in-app browsers:

Somewhere along the way, despite a reasonably strong anti-framing culture, framing moved from being a huge no-no to a huge shrug. In a web context, it’s maligned; in a native app context, it’s totally ignored.

Yup, frames are back—but this time they’re in native apps—with all their shocking security implications:

The more I think about it, the more I cannot believe webviews with unfettered JavaScript access to third-party websites ever became a legitimate, accepted technology. It’s bad for users, and it’s bad for websites.

By the way, this also explains that when you try browsing the web in an actual web browser on your mobile device, every second website shoves a banner in your face saying “download our app.” Browsers offer users some protection. In-app webviews offer users nothing but exploitation.

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Bruce Lawson’s personal site  : Briefing to the UK Competition and Markets Authority on Apple’s iOS browser monopoly and Progressive Web Apps

Following on from Stuart’s, here’s Bruce’s presentation to the CMA on Apple’s monopolistic practices and hostility to progressive web apps.

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as days pass by — Talking to the Competition and Markets Authority about Apple

What I would like is that I can give users the best experience on the web, on the best mobile hardware. That best mobile hardware is Apple’s, but at the moment if I want to choose Apple hardware I have to choose a sub-par web experience. Nobody can fix this other than Apple, and there are a bunch of approaches that they could take — they could make Safari be a best-in-class experience for the web, or they could allow other people to collaborate on making the browser best-in-class, or they could stop blocking other browsers from their hardware. People have lots of opinions about which of these, or what else, could and should be done about this; I think pretty much everyone thinks that something should be done about it, though.

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Back to the Bad Old Days of the Web – Jorge Arango

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Previously on this day

1 year ago I wrote Push

Mobile Safari finally ships the feature we’ve all been waiting for …but hardly anyone is going to get to use it.

3 years ago I wrote Employee experience design on the Clearleft podcast

Episode two of season two is a two-hander.

5 years ago I wrote Timelines of the web

The World Wide Web is a mashup.

7 years ago I wrote Teaching in Porto, day five

Friday: self-directed learning.

7 years ago I wrote Teaching in Porto, day four

Thursday: putting it all together.

9 years ago I wrote Cerf rocks

Long-term thinking for digital storage.

10 years ago I wrote Launching for America

The new Code for America website is live. That was quick!

13 years ago I wrote Sea change

Don’t fear responsive design; embrace it.

15 years ago I wrote Magnoliloss

Back up before your data goes down.

17 years ago I wrote BarCamp London 2: The Schedule

Get the line-up in hCalendar.

17 years ago I wrote BarCamping

BarCamp London 2: electric boogaloo.

21 years ago I wrote BBC - CNN = 866

Here is the BBC transcript of Hans Blix’s presentation to the UN security council.

21 years ago I wrote Robota

Here’s something a little bit different: a trailer for a book.

22 years ago I wrote New and improved

The eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed a few changes here in the "Journal" section of adactio.