Take a journey through the top 20 Minecraft seeds of this month.

Top 20 Minecraft Seeds for Minecraft 1.9 (April 2016)

Take a journey through the top 20 Minecraft seeds of this month.

This month, the Minecraft community has been seriously focusing on the best and biggest Minecraft village seeds. As a result, we present to you the best 20 seeds with villages, desert temples, and all sorts of spawners with the best available loot. There are a few jungle temples and survival islands as well for the purposes of diversification, but other than that it’s all about the settlements.

Also, check out the previous top 20 Minecraft seeds for Minecraft 1.9 for the last month of March here.

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Seed: 2106472
Coordinates: 248 66 47
Biome: Plains, Desert

Spawn at the border of two biomes: plains and desert. Immediately at the spawn, you will find a middle-sized village and a desert temple standing very close to each other. The chests inside the temple contain the following loot:

  • 1 diamond
  • 3 iron horse armors
  • 1 gold horse armor

If you teleport to the following coordinates 1072 72 197, you will encounter another village and a desert temple merged together. This village has a blacksmith with some basic loot in his chest:

  • 2 iron helmets
  • 2 iron swords
  • 1 horse saddle

The temple at the village will give you something extra, such as:

  • 1 diamond
  • Enchanted Book – Sharpness II
  • Enchanted Book – Feather Falling III
  • 2 gold ingots
  • 3 iron ingots
  • 1 gold horse armor

There are two more desert villages on this Minecraft seed. The first one can be located at -289 71 333. There inside the smithy’s chest, you will find 2 diamonds.

The second village is situated at these coordinates -312 77 -196, and the chest at this village’s blacksmith house also contains 2 diamonds and 2 iron swords.

Seed: 564830992
Coordinates: -392 64 200
Biome: Plains, Desert

Spawn at the edge of plains biome standing right next to a desert. There is a huge village right at the spawn. There is also a blacksmith with basic gear inside his chest:

  • 3 iron swords
  • iron boots
  • iron chestplate
  • 4 iron ingots

You can teleport to these coordinates -218 68 68, where you will find a desert temple. The chests inside the temple contain some excellent items:

  • 1 golden apple
  • 1 iron horse armor
  • Enchanted Book – Blast Protection IV
  • Enchanted Book – Depth Strider II
  • Enchanted Book – Thorns I
  • 3 gold ingots
  • 1 gold horse armor

Seed: 4433631464912333755
Coordinates: 47 65 227
Biome: Roofed Forest

You will spawn on the ocean shore very close to a small but very cute village. There is a roofed forest with giant mushrooms covering the rest of the territory. You can travel alongside the coastline and find some small survival islands.

Then, go back to the village and check out the blacksmith’s chest, which contains the following loot:

  • 5 obsidian
  • 1 pickaxe
  • 1 iron helmet
  • oak saplings

Seed: -881432671972772204
Coordinates: 49 69 265
Biome: Forest, Desert

Here’s another cool village seed with the desert nearby. This one, unfortunately, has no blacksmith – just a few farms and some piggies running around.

But if you look behind the village, you will spot a desert temple. Inside the temple you will be able to grab some excellent stuff:

  • 2 golden apples
  • 2 diamonds
  • 14 gold ingots
  • 2 gold horse armors

Seed: -8270829182366999775
Coordinates: 250 69 211
Biome: Desert

Spawn in the middle of the hot, desert biome very close to a small village with NPCs. There is an interesting rock formation behind the village and a temple (305 65 319) half-buried into the sand. However, you can still get inside and take all that sweet loot:

  • Enchanted Book – Sharpness IV
  • Enchanted Book – Aqua Affinity
  • 1 diamond horse armor
  • 3 gold ingots

Seed: 1782381618111387718
Coordinates: 28 69 289
Biome: Plains

Here’s a great survival seed for you! Spawn close to a settlement that consists only of a blacksmith’s shop, a church and a water-well. It’s a great opportunity for a survival game, in which you can start expanding the settlement to the size of a proper village. The chest at the smithy’s has some great loot to help you get started:

  • 2 diamonds
  • 6 obsidian
  • 2 iron swords
  • 2 iron boots
  • 1 horse saddle

Seed: -1665017220
Coordinates: 26 71 247
Biome: Jungle

Spawn in the depths of the jungle forest. There, you can locate a sole jungle temple at the following coordinates 57 73 181. Both chests inside the temple contain:

  • 1 emerald
  • 11 gold ingots
  • 4 iron ingots

There’s also a small patch of sand in this area where you can build a house and turn the jungle temple into a fortress.

Seed: -2929451361107415362
Coordinates: 67 64 87
Biome: Desert

Spawn at the intersection of three biomes: plains, desert and savanna. At the spawn, there is a decent-sized village with the blacksmith and a zombie spawner close by. The chests at the smith’s house include:

  • 5 obsidian
  • iron boots
  • oak saplings

The desert area has three desert temples and one of them is completely buried, so teleport to these coordinates 350 65 -230, if you want to find it. The chests inside this temple contain:

  • 2 golden apples
  • 2 emeralds
  • Enchanted Book – Mending
  • 7 gold ingots
  • 1 diamond horse armor
  • 2 iron horse armors

The second temple can be located here 46 70 525. Inside you will find:

  • Enchanted Book – Silk Touch
  • 3 iron horse armors
  • 2 iron ingots

The last one stands at the following coordinates 619 70 83. The chests inside have some special things, so be sure to check it out:

  • 1 golden apple
  • 2 emeralds
  • Enchanted Book – Efficiency I
  • Enchanted Book – Power III
  • Enchanted Book – Feather Falling III
  • 5 gold ingots
  • 2 horse saddles

Seed: -9065479248748140566
Coordinates: -123 80 339
Biome: Savanna, Desert

You will spawn amidst a savanna area that is located very close to a desert biome divided by a strip of plains. At the following coordinates 135 80 568, you will find a small village. And, by going to these coordinates 34 68 362, you will find a desert temple with the following loot:

  • 1 golden apple
  • 2 emeralds
  • 7 gold ingots
  • Enchanted Book – Mending
  • Enchanted Book – Silk Touch
  • Enchanted Book – Fortune III
  • 2 iron horse armors

Also, if you want to fight something, then head straight to -33 59 354 for a chance to encounter some zombies.

Seed: -1134619578760320255
Coordinates: -283 80 303
Biome: Jungle

Spawn on the bank of a thin jungle river that flows into a small lake. On the surface of the water, you will spot a jungle temple. The loot inside is not exceptionally great but still very good for beginning:

  • 3 gold ingots
  • 1 iron horse armor

If you travel to the north, you will encounter some massive hills with a lot of resources.

Seed: 510426165
Coordinates: 100 68 136
Biome: Beach

Spawn on one of three islands that form a convenient group of survival islands in the middle of the ocean. There is even a village on the other one that can be easily found by teleporting to these coordinates 341 69 50.

After that, take some time and dig down exactly at this spot 160 64 100. There you will find a zombie spawner with two chests containing:

  • 2 golden apples
  • 2 music records
  • melon seeds
  • beetroot seeds

Seed: 5584938212194406990
Coordinates: 245 63 254
Biome: Plains

Spawn on the ocean shore of the plains biome very close to the NPC village. There is no blacksmith here, but you can relocate to the skeleton spawner at these coordinates 265 53 261. The chests at the spawner hold some cool loot for you to grab:

  • Enchanted Book – Bane of Arthropods I
  • 2 music records
  • pumpkin seeds
  • gunpowder

Seed: -6750585818389758950
Coordinates: -70 71 256
Biome: Plains

Here, you will spawn in between two small villages that stand very close to a desert biome. Only one of them has blacksmith whose chest contains a basic survival set of:

  • iron helmet
  • iron leggings
  • iron pickaxe
  • oak saplings

Below the two villages, you will find spawners with zombies and spiders. One of them is located at these coordinates -85 19 320 and has two chests with

  • 1 golden apple
  • beetroot seeds
  • 2 horse saddles

The other one can be found at -158 47 301. This one has an even better set of valuables:

  • 1 golden apple
  • 8 redstones
  • 1 iron horse armor
  • Enchanted Book – Frost Walker I

Seed: -5010341250469283982
Coordinates: 216 67 255
Biome: Plains, Desert

Spawn at the intersection of plains, savanna and desert biomes. There, you will see a very small village standing by the river. It has a blacksmith with an iron chest plate and 5 iron ingots in his chest.

If you travel around the desert biome, you will find another village (117 64 691) and two desert temples. The first one is located at 255 68 78, and contains:

  • 3 emeralds
  • 1 gold horse armor
  • 2 iron horse armors
  • 2 gold ingots
  • 3 iron ingots

The second desert temple can be found at the following coordinates 273 75 626. The chests inside the temple include:

  • 2 golden apples
  • 3 emeralds
  • Enchanted Book – Fire Protection I
  • Enchanted Book – Lure I
  • 5 gold ingots
  • 1 iron horse armor

Seed: 1802012234
Coordinates: 4 73 0
Biome: Savanna, Desert

This is a pretty unique seed! You will spawn near a desert village with some insanely tall mountains in the background with floating islands. The highest spot reaches over 200 blocks and allows for an incredible view from up top on the valleys surrounding the mountain. Try it out by using the creative mode!

Seed: 688272208128782
Coordinates: -179 71 259
Biome: Jungle

Spawn in the middle of the jungle forest that accommodates four jungle temples (maybe more).

Jungle temple number one is located at 51 72 115 and contains:

  • 1 redstone
  • 2 iron ingots
  • 1 horse saddle

Temple number two can be found at -361 78 324 with two chests holding:

  • 20 gold ingots
  • Enchanted Book – Bane of Arthropods IV
  • Enchanted Book – Unbreaking III

The third temple is standing at these coordinates 167 81 518. The chests inside include:

  • 27 gold ingots
  • Enchanted Book – Unbreaking III
  • Enchanted Book – Sharpness III
  • Enchanted Book – Thorns II
  • 2 horse saddles

If you travel to 153 76 -169, you will find the fourth jungle temple with:

  • 2 gold ingots
  • 4 iron ingots
  • 1 horse saddle

Seed: -4622925297481603696
Coordinates: 242 68 238
Biome: Plains, Flower Forest, Desert

Spawn close to a small village with an entrance to a zombie spawner and a lush flower forest in the background. The blacksmith’s chest includes:

  • 5 iron ingots
  • 1 gold ingot
  • 1 iron chestplate
  • 1 horse saddle

The room with the chest containing a gold horse armor and beetroot seeds at the zombie spawner can be quickly accessed by teleporting to these coordinates 258 16 187.

Also, within the same cave system, you will be able to find the source of redstone ore (274 14 204).

There is another spawner a bit further at these coordinates 176 25 207 – this time it’s a skeleton spawner. The chests at this spawner contain:

  • 10 redstones
  • 1 gold horse armor
  • 4 iron ingots
  • 1 horse saddle

Seed: -298808563
Coordinates: 275 69 279
Biome: Plains, Flower Forest, Desert

Spawn close to a village with blacksmith and a desert temple near by. You will find the following loot inside the smithy’s chest:

  • 1 iron sword
  • 1 iron pickaxe
  • oak saplings
  • 3 gold ingots
  • 1 horse saddle

The desert temple behind the village also contains some cool valuables, such as:

  • 1 golden apple
  • 1 gold horse armor
  • Enchanted Book – Aqua Affinity

Another desert temple cannot be spotted directly on the surface, as it is totally buried into the ground, but if you teleport to these coordinates 201 53 -149, then this is what you will find inside:

  • 1 golden apple
  • 1 emerald
  • 1 iron horse armor
  • 3 iron ingots
  • 1 horse saddle

On top of that, teleport to the zombie spawner at 273 61 277, where you can grab:

  • 1 golden apple
  • 1 diamond horse armor

Also, check out the skeleton spawner at 199 69 -142 and collect:

  • 4 gold ingots
  • Enchanted Book – Knockback II

Seed: 1751494021
Coordinates: -140 70 253
Biome: Plains

Spawn at the plains biome that is adjacent to a desert area. If you travel to these coordinates -720 69 585, you will discover a decent-sized village and a desert temple nearby. The chests inside the temple contain:

  • 2 golden apples
  • 1 diamond
  • 13 gold ingots
  • 1 gold horse armor
  • 2 iron horse armors

There is one more desert temple a bit further from the village at -887 72 1122. This one holds:

  • 3 diamonds
  • 3 emeralds
  • 2 gold ingots
  • 7 iron ingots
  • 1 iron horse armor

Seed: 3366408241916580461
Coordinates: 1 64 79
Biome: Beach

Now it’s time for some real survival game! Spawn on the surface of the smallest survival island that has absolutely nothing on top of it, not even a single tree. This is probably the hardest survival Minecraft seed you will ever find. But it is also a great feat for developing your survival skills.

Also, you will find an ocean temple at these coordinates 163 57 202.

Tell us about your favorite Minecraft 1.9 seeds in the comments section below!

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Image of Serhii Patskan
Serhii Patskan
Serhii is the Writer at GameSkinny. He's been writing for GameSkinny since 2015. Before that, he's been writing for various outlets and playing video games, which eventually turned into a passion. The video games that have contributed the most to his enthusiasm for writing about this industry are Magic: The Gathering, Dark Souls, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.